Blame 32 - Stuck

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Blame 32

The first thing I noticed when I walked into Yoongi's room: the flowers were all gone. Well, almost all of them. The only evidence left was a single vase of small baby blue flowers sitting on his desk.

Yoongi plopped into his desk and motioned me over. I took a spare fold-up chair from the corner and sat next to him. Digging through my backpack, I pulled out a mechanical pencil and a notebook.

"What do you want to work on first?" I asked.

"I don't need your help," Yoongi said coldly.

I rolled my eyes. Hell he didn't. I managed to get a peek at his grades when he left his laptop on in the kitchen yesterday. And they were not good. All together, they spelled out: F. B. A. D. F.

"I'm sure the university will let you graduate with two fat F's," I sighed, brushing the hair out of my eyes. "How about we start with math? That's my best subject, so this should go quick."

Yoongi huffed, but pulled out his math textbook. He slipped a packet of papers out from the pages.

"This is the review."

I looked at the front cover. Clean and white. Not a single pencil mark. "And have you done any of it?" I asked, knowing exactly what the answer was going to be. No.

"Not really." There wasn't a single hint of guilt or worry in his voice. No wonder he was always in the bottom. He didn't give two flying unicorn poops.

"Have you even looked at it?" I questioned.

Yoongi snorted. "I'm looking at it now."

Are you kidding me? At this rate, I was going to have to teach Yoongi a whole year's worth of material in only one week. Even if we worked around the clock, 24/7, there was no way we were going to even get close to finishing. Not to mention, on top of everything, I still needed to get my own studying done. I was getting stressed just thinking about it. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Calm down, Alisha. You can do this. One step at a time.

I set my sights on question numero uno. "Find the derivative of sin(2x)+17cos(2x)." A burst of confidence rushed through me. "This is easy. What's the first step?"

I looked at Yoongi expectedly. My shoulders drooped in annoyance. His chin rested against one of his hands while the other twirled a pencil. His eyelids were already half closed. He practically oozed enthusiasm.

"Uh, find 2x?"

"What? Did you even—" I stopped myself. Yelling at him was not going to do any of us any favors.

I sighed. This was going to be a long week.


My mind wandered as I waited for Yoongi to finish the problem. I stared at the little blue flowers that decorated his desktop. Didn't he find it just a little too feminine? I mean, there's nothing wrong with having flowers in his room. But I didn't peg Yoongi to be the type to keep flowers as a decoration.

"What are these called?" I suddenly broke the silence. Yoongi looked up from his half-finished math problem.


"These." I pointed at the vase.

At my question, he plucked a single stem from the bunch and twirled it between his fingers. The individual petals blurred into a single blue circle, like nature's pinwheel.

"Myosotis scorpioides."

"Excuse me?"

"Also known as Scorpion Grass. But most people call them Forget-Me-Nots." Yoongi's eyes shone when he talked. I could see something just beyond his irises, but just as quickly as it appeared, it disappeared. He stuck his nose back into the math problem in front of him. His hair hung like a curtain over his face.

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