Epilogue 2.0

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Epilogue 2.0

And then the doorbell rang.

I leaped off the couch and sprinted to the front door. Behind me, Jimin called my name, but I wasn't paying attention.

My heart pounded against my ribs. It felt like I would burst at any moment. Every step brought me closer to my special person on the other side of the door.

My hand closed around the cold brass doorknob. The doorbell rang again, informing me of the urgency.

This was it. After eight whole years...This was it.

I yanked open the door and threw my arms around him. Yoongi froze underneath my embrace. Tears sprang up in the corners of my eyes. Joy exuded from every cell of my being. I couldn't believe it. After waiting for so long for some news, even the smallest detail. He was finally here. In my arms. 

Something clattered to the floor along with a splat. I heard Jimin suck in a breath behind me. 

I took a deep breath in. The smell was different than I remembered, but still incredibly familiar. Well, of course it was. It's been eight years. It was more...salty, more meaty...In fact, I smelled it just last week...

It smelled like pizza?

"Uh, Alisha?" Jimin said with a weird voice. "Ummmm..."

I furrowed my brows in confusion. Come to think of it, wasn't Yoongi taller? Did he shrink while he was in America? And Yoongi didn't have a tattoo on his shoulder...

I gasped, horrified, and scrambled backwards.

Jimin was picking up the thing that had fallen onto the floor before. It was a pizza box.

"You in the mood for some pizza?"

Aw shit.



Happy (Late) April Fool's Day! I hope you liked it!

Love, Laurie

Word count: 289

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