Blame 22 - Happiness

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Blame 22

"I'm Alisha Lee. Let's try not to kill each other in the next month?"

"Sorry we started off on the wrong foot. That was my fault," Yoongi apologized.

I shook my head. "It was partially my fault. I didn't even try to get to know you."

An idea sprung into my head. "Give me your phone."

"What?" Yoongi widened his eyes in surprise.

"Just hand it over," I insisted.

Hesitantly, Yoongi handed over his sleek matte black phone. I showed him the screen.

"Open," I ordered.

"What are you doing?" Yoongi asked, unlocking his phone.

I didn't answer but instead went straight to his contacts. Taking advantage of my access, I quickly scrolled through his contacts for fun. Surprisingly, I hit the bottom with just one swipe. There were only a handful of contacts. There were the usual ones: Mother, Father, and then a couple names I didn't recognize. One caught my eye. There was a contact that was just called Flowers.


I snapped out of it. Quickly, I typed my number into his phone and texted myself so I would have his number.

"There. All done," I piped while I handed back his phone.

"Lovely Roommate <3?" Yoongi read out loud.

I made a "v" shape with my hands under my chin.

"That's me!"

Yoongi smiled at me in an endearing way. My heart thumped in surprise. It was the first time Yoongi had shown me a genuine smile. Cute gummy smile, I noted. I felt myself catching his contagious smile. It brightened up his face and made him look five years younger. There was something there that said pure joy with no strings attached. Even someone like Yoongi was able to feel happiness. I suddenly felt the urge to give the man in front of me a hug. What am I thinking?

"I like your smile," I blurted out instead. Curse my no-filter mouth.

Yoongi's smile disappeared. A blush tinged his cheeks. He turned his head away. I blinked. Was he blushing? A grin stretched over my lips. I inwardly squealed. Cute!

"What are you talking about?" Yoongi squeaked out, unable to look me in the eye.

I waved my hands in the air to dismiss my earlier words. "I mean, you should smile more," I backpedaled. "You look more handsome when you smile."


I nodded my head. A goofy grin spread across Yoongi's face. His face was still turned, but I could still see the corner of his mouth point upward. Cutie.

I fingered my wool pajamas. Maybe this next month wouldn't be as bad as I thought.

Wait. A horrifying thought popped into my head.

I gestured down my body. "Did you do this?"

His cocky smirk returned. "I've done a lot of girls, but I haven't done you...yet."

I sighed, but my cheeks still heated up. The memory of Yoongi and I's kiss in the classroom popped into my head. Was that really just one weeks ago? And then there was that time Yoongi pushed me down onto his bed...No no no! I pushed all the dirty thoughts out of the way. "Please tell me Hoseok changed my clothes for me."

"Ah. That. Nope, that was me," Yoongi said matter-of-factly.

I groaned. Seeing me practically naked was not how I imagined our newfound friendship to kick off.

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