Blame 25 - Music Magic

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Blame 25

Right before the elevator closed with Yoongi and I inside, Jin called out, "Don't forget: 11:30! Bring Yoongi too!"

The creaky old doors closed with a ding.

I stifled a yawn as my eyes tracked the second hand on the clock. Come on. Just one more minute. My foot tapped the floor impatiently. I drummed my nails on my desk. At the front of the lecture hall, my professor was handing back tests. My ears perked up when I heard my name called. The person in front of me passed back my graded test. A 99? I was sure I got a 100 on the test. Quickly, I scanned the paper for marks of red pen. There. On the last problem. I had written a 5 instead of a 2. I groaned. That was such stupid mistake.

At that moment, an alarm clock on the professor's desk went off. The graying old man looked up from his stack of papers in surprise. Around me, everyone packed up their stuff and headed to the door. Usually, I liked to hang back and avoid the crowd, but this time, I had something to do.

Hoisting my backpack onto my shoulders, I weaved my way through the flow of students streaming out of classrooms. Elbows pushed into my side, and feet trampled over my shoes.

I finally made my way out into the open courtyard outside the building. The sun beat down on the sidewalk. A slight breeze gently tousled my hair. I checked the time. I mentally flipped through my schedule for the day. It was 11:22 right now, which meant I had eight minutes to get to—. A feeling of panic settled in my stomach. Jin never told us where we were going.

I whipped out my phone. A squeak of frustration leaked out of my mouth. I forgot to ask for Jin's number. I sighed.

Just then, a familiar mess of black hair sitting on a bench caught my attention. Not trusting my eyes, I quietly approached the guy. A smile tugged at my lips. Yoongi! A laptop sat on his thighs. Headphones covered his ears, his head subtly nodding to music I couldn't hear. I was about to greet him when I saw his screen.

Blocks of different colors covered the pixels. Each color had their own line. A darker line in the middle of each block zigged up and down, making mountains. I looked up at the top left corner. Of course, Garageband, the music producing program. I watched in awe as Yoongi deftly added more and more blocks of notes into the electronic score. His fingers typed away with the precision of someone who had spent years tinkering with music. It almost like magic.

After a while, Yoongi closed his eyes and tilted his head back. I got a chance to get a good look at his face. There was a sereneness to it that I had never seen before. His head still bobbed to the music playing from his headphones.

The song must have ended because Yoongi opened his eyes. Finally, he noticed me. Our gazes locked. He moved one side of the headphones off his ear.

I pointed to the song, embarrassed at being caught staring. "Are you making a song?" I mentally face-palmed myself. Of course, he was making a song. What else would he be doing? Making a dance?

Yoongi nodded. A sudden sensation of curiosity came over me.

"Can I listen?"

"No." His voice was stubborn.

My heart deflated a little. "Please?"

"No," Yoongi repeated.

I pouted. "Pretty pretty please? With a cherry on top? Just 3 seconds?"

Yoongi just sighed and closed his laptop.

I shot him a glare. His refusal just made me want to hear his song even more. Why wouldn't he let me listen? I quickly sucked in a breath. What if it was a sad love ballade about his first love or something? That had to be it. I rubbed my hands together like those evil villains in those cheesy movies. I was going to get my hands on that song no matter what.

"Let's go. We're going to be late," Yoongi said, changing the subject.

I smirked, Operation Yoongi's Love Song already formulating in my brain. I looped my arm through his and pointed us down the street. I was all sunshine and smiles.

"Aye aye, captain!" I shouted into the street saluting.

Yoongi pointed behind us. "It's that way, babo."


I finally got around to outlining the whole story arc (which I almost never do, and if I do it's only for the next couple chapters) for the rest of this story. And I'm SO excited to write it for you guys. I think you guys will love it, and hate me for it. ^*^

So I write my outlines in bullet points. I usually just write quick notes on what events I want to include. Maybe some dialogue that pops into my head that I for sure want to use. By the time I finished, I had a decent timeline of what was going to happen in the rest of the story. I thought there was only going to be like 10-12 -ish more chapters left, but...

Well, I'll let you do the math...I wrote down 81 bullet points and I only got through 3. 3! 😨 I was shooting for getting 11 bullet points accomplished in this chapter! So, I guess this fanfiction is going to be A LOT longer than I anticipated...😅

Anyway, I hope you guys liked this chapter! I promise you, I have lots of juicy stuff in store for the second half of the story (yes, I don't think we're even halfway through this wild ride yet. Stick with me, my lovely readers!). Please vote, share, and comment comment comment! I love reading them the most :)

〰 Love, Laurie <3

P.S. This squiggly line '〰' is adorable. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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