Blame 37 - Dummies Guide to Calming a Crying Human

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Blame 37

*Yoongi's POV*

    Worry zipped through my body as I paced down the hallway in front of our bedrooms. My gaze kept shifting to Alisha's closed door, thoughts swirling in my head.

    Something had clearly upset Alisha. I mean, she had the right to be upset, she was almost in a car accident. But...She seemed panicked, traumatized even. There was a wild look in her eyes that almost scared me. Unpredictable and dangerous, like a cornered animal.

    My fist hovered over the wooden door. Soft whimpering noises sounded from the room. My worry increased. Should I knock? Or give her some space? I bit my lip nervously. I didn't know what to do. I wished I had a Dummies Guide to Calming a Crying Human.

    Another wave of pitiful cries emerged from inside. It was now or never.

    I rapped my knuckles against the wooden door softly. The sounds stopped. I waited for a response.

    I didn't get any.

    I knocked again.

    Again, no answer.

    My hands trembled as I laid them against the cold doorknob. Worst case scenarios flashed through my head.

    I twisted the handle, but only got halfway.

    "Don't come in." I froze.

    Alisha's voice was weak and choked. There was no doubt that she had been crying.

    I twisted some more.

    "Stop!" Her voice was clearer this time. More forceful.

    I keep twisting, both the knob and my heart.

    "Stop." This time, it was a beg.

    I pushed my way into the room. It was dark. The only light came from the artificial street lamps outside the apartment. A human-sized lump sat in the middle of the bed. I approached it, my heart pounding.


    Her beautiful black hair was a tangled mess, a nest on her head. Red, angry scratch marks crisscrossed up and down her bare arms. There was a tear the length of a hand in her dress. Stands of ripped-out hair surrounded her body like some weird witch circle.

    I didn't know what propelled me, but somehow I ended up on Alisha's bed with my arms around her shaking body. I swept away her dead strands of hair onto the ground. They fell slowly, like black plucked feathers, before disappearing into the carpet.

    It occurred to me that this was my first time in Alisha's room, and I was already on her bed with her.

    Alisha shook like a leaf in the wind. She always had a strong persona before, but now, in my arms, she seemed so small. Hesitantly, I placed a hand between her shoulder blades. She quivered at my touch, but didn't move away. I slowly rubbed her back, in hopes of providing some comfort.

    Gradually, Alisha's sniffles grew softer and fewer in between. She must have been exhausted because she laid her head against my chest. I could smell the shampoo in her hair. Mascara ran down her cheek, leaving black rivulets.

    I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Channeling my inner nonexistent maternal instincts, I prayed what I was about to do wasn't creepy. I scooted closer until my legs were surrounding Alisha and gathered her closer to my chest and began to rock her.


    We didn't say anything for what seemed like hours. I continued to embrace Ali. The tension in the silence slowly dissipated. Sometime during the past hour, I started stroking her hair. It must have been working because Alisha stopped whimpering.

    "December 24, 2011."

    I stared at Alisha in surprise. "Huh?"

    "December 24, 2011," she repeated. "My brother and I were going to visit our aunt and uncle's house for Christmas Eve. I-I begged him to let me drive. I had just gotten my license. I didn't know it was so icy."

    She shook her head, distressed. Tremors wracked her voice. "I didn't know. H-he should've never let me drive. I-I-I..."

    Her voice trailed off.

    I held her until she calmed down.

    "You don't have to talk if you don't want to," I whispered. In the silent room, it sounded like a shout.

    She sniffled. "I want to."

    She took a deep breath before starting.


Oh man has it been a while since I updated. Sorry!! I had writer's block, and I couldn't figure out how to write this in a way I liked. Honestly, I'm still not satisfied with the way it turned out. Oh well, it's a learning experience.

Anyway, Alisha's big secret will be revealed (all the way) in the next update! TBH, I wanted to write more for this chapter, but I felt like Alisha should tell her story in her own voice, so next chapter will be in Alisha's POV.

I hope you enjoyed the story so far. If you have any constructive criticisms, please please please comment them below. I'd love to know how I can improve.

As always, please don't forget to vote, share, and comment comment comment!

Love, Laurie <3

Word count: 857

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