Blame 18 - Waiting

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Blame 18

Hoseok set a shot glass down in front of me. My distorted reflection stared back at me. "Don't make me regret this."

"I totally regret this. Remind me to never give you alcohol ever again," Hoseok grunted as he tried to lift the deadweight named me off the bar stool.

I groaned in response, the only thing I could do in my drunken state. After convincing Hoseok that I wasn't going to get drunk after one shot, and then two...and then five or six, I wasn't too sure...I was completely and utterly wasted. The moon was already out to play and the time had four digits. I took another swipe at the green glass bottle in front of me. The countertop was cool underneath my flushed cheek.

"Oh no you don't." Hoseok reached over and snatched the bottle out of my grasp before I could tilt it back into my mouth. He set the bottle out of my reach before attempting to pull me off the chair again.

I whined in protest. I kicked my legs out like a child and crossed my arms, effectively breaking Hoseok's hold on me. "Fuckyou! I'llgetmyowndamndrink."

"You're starting to do the cursing thing again," Hoseok warned. He watched in silence as I leaned my body over the counter in an attempt to reach my ambrosia. My fingers just barely grazed the paper label. With a lunge I tried to flick the bottle toward me. Instead, it scooted farther out of reach.

"Fuck! Aishhh!" I retreated back into my seat and huffed in frustration.

I glared angrily at Hoseok. Through my warped drunken vision, I could make out him grinning. Seeing as there wasn't no way I was going to get the soju without getting up, I decided to utilize a different tactic. My charms. Mind you, I was drunk.

"ComeonnnHosoekieee. Onemorefuckingdrink. Pleaseeeee? Prettyshittyplease? I'lldoanyfuckingthingferyou. Exceptnotfuckingbecausewellyouknow." I slurred, holding up a finger and batting my eyes. I broke into giggles at my own mockery.

Hoseok ignored my obscene pleads, but his face turned an unflattering shade of red as he managed to hook one arm underneath my legs and the other around my shoulders. With a grunt, he lifted me up bridal style. Around us, the customers who were just starting to shuffle in for some late night drinks were staring.

"I'm so sorry, everyone. My girlfriend had one too many drinks. Please, continue eating and enjoy." Hoseok bowed his head politely and dashed out the door, my hands wrapped around his neck.

Immediately, the night wind cleared my mind enough that I could say semi-coherent sentences. It also whipped my hair into Hoseok's face. He choked and sputtered, doing his best to spit out my hair. The sight of him shaking his head like a dog made me laugh like a maniac. Cars rushed by us, adding to the cacophony of the city.

I hit his chest in a fit of laughter. "I-I'm your g-g-girlfriend? BWAHAHA!" My hysterics turned into hiccups. "I *hiccup* thought you were *hiccup* gay."

"Shhh! Keep it down. Don't forget, you're the only one who knows." Hoseok looked around frantically, checking if anyone had heard.

"Don't be such a wimp. What are the chances that someone we know is here? At," I checked my phone. "11:47. On a Sunday."

Hoseok still looked unsure, so I stuck my head as far away from Hoseok's chest as possible and yelled, "Hey, everybody! We're not dating! This guy is GAY!"

Hoseok and the people walking past us turned their heads to look at me like I was crazy. In that moment, I wasn't sure I wasn't. "Are you insane?" he hissed.

I shrugged, or at least I did my best while still in his arms. "Maybe." I swiveled my head and smiled up at his handsome face. "But you knew that." Hoseok shook his head and shot me a glare.

"Okay that's it, princess. I'm taking you home." He waved a hand out into the incoming traffic. "Taxi!"

Before long, a worn down dirty taxi pulled up onto the curb. Advertisements were plastered across its sides. Beauty, baby sitting, even signs for lost pets covered almost every visible sign of the car's original color. It was a driving billboard.

The taxi driver parked the car and opened the door for us. Hoseok thanked him and threw me inside. I squeaked in shock. He climbed in after me. His fluffy hair tickled my chin as he bent down to make sure my seatbelt was secured.

Seeing as I was clearly out of it, the cabbie addressed Hoseok. "Where to, sir?"

Hoseok looked to me. "Address?"

"Cherry Blossom Boulevard, room 63," I said, a little proud of remembering my address even in my drunken state.

"There," Hoseok conveyed to the driver.

The man nodded and started the car. With a gasp and a groan, the engine kicked to life.

"You're coming with me?" I asked Hoseok.

"Of course. I'm not going to be able to sleep at night, until I see you go into your apartment with my own eyes."

A genuine smile crossed my face. I couldn't fathom why I didn't hang out with Hoseok more. "Thank you."

The thought of what was waiting for me at home didn't even cross my mind.


Wow, two chapters in two days? I never update this fast. Let's just say, it's a Christmas miracle hehe. As a thanks for putting up with my super irregular updating schedule, I made this chapter about twice as long as usual. Also, Alisha is going back to her apartment, so you know what that means! Yoongi's coming back into the picture! 

I will be updating tomorrow again as a Christmas present to all of my precious readers like you! Don't stay up too late waiting for Santa! Stay warm and safe!

And if you're still reading, thank you for making it to the end! You're the kind of readers I love best <3 Happy holidays!

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