Blame 45 - He's a Keeper

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Blame 45

Jimin dropped me off at Sunny's place. I spent the night in her room. Sunny wasn't actually there, but I had the key. If I had to bet money, I'd say she was probably with Jin through the night.

I wasn't jealous, but I wished I had that connection with someone.

My mind wandered back to the time I spent the night with Yoongi. I wondered how waking up everyday with him beside me would feel. Would I tire of him? Would that spark fade?

After waking up around noon, I left for my apartment. Sunny still wasn't home, but she was with Jin so I didn't worry. As for me? I needed to clear things up with Yoongi and move on.


I took a deep breath before jiggling my keys into my apartment lock. My hands shook a little as I twisted the doorknob. I sent a quick prayer up to God. Hey, God? I don't know if you exist or not, but if you do, wanna help a gal out? Gain one more follower? Follow for follow? I'll do anything, just please let Yoongi be asleep.

I winced as the door creaked open. The sound echoed down the silent hallway. I peered around the door and surveyed the area. Yoongi's door was closed, so hopefully he was still sleeping.

As quietly as I could, I tiptoed toward my room. When I passed the living room couch I felt a pair of eyes on my back.

I held my breath. A bead of sweat rolled down my forehead. God? Hello? You there? Now would be a good time to work your magic.

Slowly, I turned my head.

I was met with Yoongi's smoldering gaze. Shit.

He pointed at the empty spot on the couch next to him. Avoiding eye contact, I shuffled my way into the living room. I knew I had to confront Yoongi, but I didn't want it to be so soon.

I fidgeted next to Yoongi. We were sitting on opposite ends, but the couch was so small it didn't matter.

Yoongi's arms were crossed, waiting for an explanation.

"I'm sorry," I squeezed out.

"For what exactly?" Yoongi asked cautiously. He looked at me through slits filled to the brim with suspicion. My heart cracked a little. The little trust we worked so hard to build between us was broken.

"Everything. The things I said yesterday," I squeaked. "It was the alcohol talking. But it was rude. You didn't deserve that."

I swallowed to coat my dry lying throat. A flimsy excuse, blaming the alcohol. But it was the best I had.

Yoongi was silent. His unwavering gaze pierced my soul, searching for the real reason. But I refused to give it to him. I kept my eyes trained on my hands in my lap. He reluctantly nodded. "It's fine. We all have those days."

He didn't believe me. I could tell in the way his eyes still narrowed, and his shoulders tensed. But that was okay. I only needed him to go back to the way he was before. Before I had feelings for him.


A week passed. Everything went back to the way is was. At least, almost everything. There was only one difference. Every day I tried to convince myself that I didn't have feelings for my hot roommate.

They say if you tell a lie enough times, you start to believe it. Well, it wasn't working so well for me.

I mean, it was working. A little. I could joke around with Yoongi without feeling uncomfortable again. We ate breakfast together every day. The awkward air between us disappeared.

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