Blame 17 - Threatening to Spill

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Blame 17

 He ignores me and directs the long metal chopsticks at my face. "Worst day. Dress. Boys. I need details."


"Well, there was this guy..."

And so I told Hoseok about my "date" with Yoongi. I excluded his name and the fact that we were rooming together, of course. Hoseok would flip if he knew I was living with a guy.

Hoseok was quiet the whole time, only interrupting for clarification. When I finished he just drummed his fingers on the counter.

He made a popping noise with his lips. "So, why are you making it such a big deal?"

I furrowed my brows. "What do you mean?"

"Do you like this guy?" he asked.

What was Hoseok trying to get at? "Um. No."

I mean, he's hot. But I wasn't attracted to him.

"Then why are you making it a big deal?" he repeated. "You were embarrassed in front of his parents—"

"His mother and her lover," I corrected.

"So what? He's basically a stranger." A stranger that I live with. "It's not like you're going to see them again. He'll forget about it in a day and move on. And I suggest you should too."

I finished off the rest of my food and took a deep breath. My thoughts reorganized themselves. Hoseok had a point."You're right. I should just forget about today."

An idea, a really bad idea, popped into my head. "And I know just the thing."

Hoseok recognized the look in my eye. "Oh no. That's a bad bad idea."

I grabbed the shot glass that Hoseok had moved on to drying, a sloppy grin plastered on my face. "Bring out the soju!"

Hoseok scowled with a disapproving look. He snatched the shot glass back. "No. We are not having another drunk underwear fiasco. I barely managed to convince the police that you weren't a wanted criminal that time!"

I jutted out my bottom lip in a pout. "Aw come on. You were the one who said I should forget about it."

With a sigh, Hoseok reached into a cabinet and pulled out a familiar green soju bottle. "I thought you were the goody-two shoes."

Score. I rubbed my hands together greedily. Hoseok cracked open the seal and the aroma of alcohol drifted toward me. Sour and irresistible. "Just because I'm a model student doesn't mean I don't know how to party and drink." What a dumb stereotype. The biggest partiers at university were all in the top 50 academically, myself included.

Hoseok set a shot glass down in front of me. My distorted reflection stared back at me. "Don't make me regret this."

I grinned up at my bestie. "You won't," I said sweetly.

I watched the clear liquid splash into the glass. A couple drops sloshed onto the countertop. A small hemisphere formed where the soju was threatening to spill over the rim. One little disturbance and the perfect bubble would break. I raised my glass in thanks to my favorite bartender. Then, I threw my head back and gulped down the shot, fire burning all the way down to my stomach.


If you haven't noticed yet, I decided to write this chapter in the past tense. I actually feel more comfortable writing in past tense rather than present tense, but let me know what you guys like. Do you want me to keep writing in past tense? Go back to writing in present tense? Or don't care and just want another update?

Please vote, comment and share! Thank you so much for making it all the way to the end ^^

Also, I messed some stuff up publishing on my phone and then changing stuff on my laptop, so sorry if you got like three notifications saying I updated, but I actually just made changes to this chapter :(

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