New Cover???

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Hello! It's author-nim! It's not an update, unfortunately. Sorry to disappoint :(

So I wanna change the cover for Blaming Black Cat, but I suck at making covers. I'm not creative at all. I usually have my friend come up with the covers (She designed the current cover and In Too Deep's cover is designed by her as well), but she seems a little busy so I don't want to disturb her. 

Instead, here are a few ideas that I came up with really quickly! Comment next to which one you want to be the next cover, or suggestions you have. Or, if you nothing better to do and want to design a cover yourself, feel free to send it to me! My only requirements for that would be the title (Blaming Black Cat), my name as the author (LoveMyLattae) and if there's a blurb (He's her unlucky charm or something else creative). Also I'd prefer if it's a picture of just Yoongi. I don't really like having other people in the cover. Go nuts. I'd love to see what you guys can come up with :)

Candidate 1)

Sorry for the low quality (Divaboo anyone?) pictures 😅

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Sorry for the low quality (Divaboo anyone?) pictures 😅

Candidate 2)

Real close up with Yoongi <3

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Real close up with Yoongi <3

Candidate 3)

I tried to go for a more rugged look

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I tried to go for a more rugged look...

Candidate 4)

Can't you tell I just love that font

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Can't you tell I just love that font. I just think it fits Yoongi and the story so well. It's called Edo if anyone wants to know!

Last but not least:

Candidate 5)

Went for a softer vibe with the piano aesthetic and everything

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Went for a softer vibe with the piano aesthetic and everything.

Which one do you guys like the best??? Comment to vote and let me know!

Blaming Black Cat // Min YoongiWhere stories live. Discover now