Blame 34 - Mystery

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Blame 34

*Yoongi's POV*

2 hours earlier

My face contorted into a yawn. I tried to rub some of the sleepiness out of my eyes. The red digits on my clock blinked back at me. 1:43 AM. The numbers on the white page in front of me faded in and out of view.

Beside me, Alisha's head bobbed up and down out of sheer fatigue. A smile tugged at my face as I watched her chin slip down to her chest and then jerk back up. I thought these two months living with this girl were going to be the worst two months of my life, but turns out, she wasn't so bad after all. There was something amusing with Alisha. Everyday was exciting and new. It wasn't the same as living alone.

My gaze lingered on those full pink lips. They looked so soft and plump. I bet they'd be warm against mine. A small heat ignited in the bottom of my stomach. What was I thinking?

I bit my lip and turned back to the math problem at hand. Find the area under the curve. I thought for a moment before jotting down a formula Alisha had taught me moments before.

My vision tunneled as I worked through the problem step by step. A feeling of satisfaction came over me as I sat back, admiring my hard work. Somehow, I had made a jumble of random numbers into a perfect solution. There was something amazing about how all the numbers fit beautifully into place. It was almost like magic.

Not that I liked math. There was not a chance I could actually like math, but I sort of understood why Alisha would. I had a newfound respect for people who did this for a living.

A sudden rustling of papers caught my attention. I glanced over at Alisha in surprise. She was fast asleep. Her arms laid on the desk with her face tucked in-between. Her cheek was pressed against cold wood. I was struck by how cute she looked.

I don't know why, but I wanted a closer look. As quietly as I could, I laid my head next to Alisha's and stared at her feminine features. I held my breath, not daring to make a sound. My heart stuttered inside my chest. I was so close I could count each individual lash.

This girl did something to me that I didn't hate.

Her soft puffs of breath warmed my cheek. I slowly drunk in every detail I could see. From the slight crease next to her eyebrow to the faint freckle above her lip.

My hand hovered just in front of her cheek. I bit my lip. An electric shock shot through me the moment my thumb made contact with her skin. I sucked in a quick breath and withdrew my hand. My eyes darted to Alisha's sleeping face, praying she didn't wake up.

I waited for a couple minutes. When I was sure Alisha was still asleep, gently, I tucked a stray strand of hair behind her small delicate ear. Something inside me wanted to protect her from the world.

"You are such a mystery," I whispered.

A small shiver ran down my body as a gust of wind from the air conditioner blasted the back of my neck. If I was cold, how cold was Alisha? I grabbed a blanket from my bed and carefully covered her body.

I must have been too loud or something because Alisha's eyes blinked open.

"Yoongi?" My name coming from her tongue was musical.

"You fell asleep," I babbled, rushing to explain myself. "I thought you were cold so I gave you a blanket."

She looks down at the blanket on her shoulders like she was just noticing it.

"Oh. Thanks."

I lick my lips nervously, suddenly too aware that we were by ourselves in my bedroom. At night.

"We should probably go to sleep. Not together! Just sleep. In our rooms."

Get it together, Min Yoongi. Why was this girl making me so tongue-tied?

I pointed at the unfinished review on my desk. "I'll finish it tomorrow."

Alisha looked at me strangely, but was clearly too tired to argue. She nodded and shuffled out of the room.

I watched her receding back retreat into her own room. A sigh of relief came over me as I closed my door. Turning off the lights, I flung myself into bed, not even bothering to change my clothes.

I pressed a hand against my beating heart, feeling the slight rise and fall of my chest. I hadn't been so nervous around a girl in years. The last time was...

I shook my head.

Sleep. That was most important.

But a single thought kept running through my mind before dreams swept me away. What was she doing to me?


Hey guys! We're getting down to the climax. I'm so ready to move on from this book tbh because I already know how it ends lol I'm like an impatient reader that reads the last page and then doesn't read the book :p But I love writing for you guys, and I hate giving up half way through (even though I give up so easily and all the time rip) so I will finish this book no matter what. I'm anticipating like 10 more chapters, but don't quote me on that cause I suck at estimations. 

I love you all, thank you for sticking it out with me! 

Please don't forget to vote, share, and comment comment comment!

Love, Laurie <3

P.S. How do you like it not centered? I'm just trying it out. 

P.P.S. I feel like I say and use "just" too much *shrugs*

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