Introduction: Here's the Deal

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Hi, my dear reader! It's the author, Laurie. Welcome to my Min Yoongi fanfiction story, Blaming Black Cat.

I just wanted to write an intro/disclaimer thing. As you read the first couple chapters, you'll notice author notes that say that the story is gonna get kinky.

Just ignore those.

Here's the deal. I originally wanted to write a satirical story about all the cliche kinky smut stories that Wattpad is oh so famous for. But then I got too attached to my characters and couldn't bare to see them become so cringeworthy. So instead, I began to make this an actual story with an actual plot and actual character development (I hope). 

So basically, there's no kink. Or smut. But there are a couple make out scenes so...hehe. There are also some mentions of suicidal thoughts and depressing thoughts, however, there's nothing more than that. There's also some cussing as well. Not a lot, but it's there. If you are sensitive to this kind of stuff, please don't read my story. 

But if you aren't, please enjoy! I promise the chapters get better as the story progresses.

Also, please bear with my lackluster writing. Writing this is just a way for me to improve my writing skills (which are seriously lacking). Hopefully as the story goes on, my writing gets better. If you have any advice or constructive criticisms, please feel free to DM/PM me. I'm totally open to that, and I would love to hear your opinions.

Thank you for reading!

Love, Laurie <3

© The plot and all the characters are totally fictional. Min Yoongi based off of BTS's Suga, but other than as inspiration, they are not the same. This book is entirely my idea and is not taken from anyone else. Please don't plagiarize. Thank you!

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