Blame 43 - Full Course Meal

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Blame 43

Sunny took news okay. If "okay" meant jumping around in a circle and screaming "OHMYGODIKNEWIT!" twenty times like some witch chant. But only after chastising me for not telling her my roommate was a guy.

After chatting and staying up until the wee hours of the morning, I headed back to my apartment.

"I'm home," I whispered to the dark walls of the apartment. It was a weird habit of mine, acting as if the house had ears.

I tiptoed down the hallway toward my bedroom. I didn't want to wake Yoongi. That would be the worst and last mistake of my life.

As I crept past the kitchen, my pinky toe hit the corner of a shelf.

I sucked in a breath. "Fuck!"

My voice echoed through the vacant floor. In the dark, it was as loud as a gunshot.

I clamped a hand over my mouth like it would do something. My body froze. I glanced at Yoongi's bedroom. Ear straining, I tried to hear any signs of Yoongi waking up.

Instead, a rustling noise from the kitchen caught my attention.

A small hooded black figure outlined with moonlight stepped toward me. An intruder? I grabbed the nearest thing, which happened to be the tv remote, and brandished it before me like a sword.

"You're back," said the shadow man.

Wait. My arm drooped. I recognized that voice.

"Yoongi?" I was shocked. It was almost 3 in the morning. What was he still doing awake?

I asked him. He shrugged in his usual way. He was dressed in a black hoodie that hung loosely from his frame and grey baggy sweatpants. His bare feet were covered by a pair of oddly familiar baby blue slippers. Were those mine? "I was hungry, but you weren't home. So I made myself some ramen."

"Uh-huh. So you woke up in the middle of the night, was hungry and made yourself some ramen? Riiiight. I totally believe you," sarcasm dripped from my voice. "But seriously, is everything okay? Why are you really still up?"

I sat down on a kitchen chair next to him. His bowl of ramen had only a few leftover strands of noodles and broth. Nothing worth nabbing.

"Well, to be honest, I was waiting for you," Yoongi confessed. "I have something to ask you."


"Now that finals are over, do you want to go to karaoke with a couple of my friends and me tomorrow evening? Jin will be there." Yoongi played with his bangs nervously.

Karaoke with Yoongi and Jin? Sounded fun. "Can I bring Sunny?" I asked. My roommate nodded. "Awesome!"

Yoongi got up and put his now empty bowl in the sink. "That was it. So, I'm going to bed now. Um, goodnight."

He shuffled past me in my baby blue slippers. I put a hand out against his chest and stopped him. I slowly pushed him back until we could look at each other in the eyes.

Pointing down at his feet I said, "Are these my slippers?"

"Yeah, so? They were lying in the living room so I took them," Yoongi shrugged, suppressing a yawn.

"But—," I paused, sighing out a breath. I did not have the time nor the energy to deal with him. "Whatever, do whatever you want. I'm sleeping. Goodnight."


Tomorrow evening came faster than I expected. In the morning, I popped into Sunny's job and told her the plans. She excitedly agreed, making her own plans to come over an hour before to get ready with me.

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