Blame 14 - Worlds Apart

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Blame 14

 We drive in silence. The lawn zooms past in a green blur. Tension fills the space between us to the point of suffocation. I fiddle with my fingers, debating whether to breach the heavy quietness. What seems like an hour, is only 5 minutes. I steal glances at Yoongi. Every bit of his body screams, "I don't want to talk about it." I breath out a tiny sigh. Before long, I start to recognize the streets and stores around our apartment. "I don't need your pity."

I raise my eyebrows in surprise at the sudden outburst. "What?"

"Don't act like I'm some charity case you picked off the street." Yoongi's face is tight and strained. His jaw clenches, but he doesn't take his eyes away from the road.

"That's not what I—" I protest.

"Oh, don't even try to defend yourself," Yoongi snarls. "You just want to make yourself feel better. Be noble. Or some shit like that. Admit it. We're worlds apart. You're the perfect, straight A student. I'm just the troublemaker with mommy issues."

I open my mouth to throw back a retort, but can't. The words catch in my throat. My mouth opens and shuts a few more times before I seal them. I chew my bottom lip. Deep down, I know everything Yoongi had said is true. On the outside, I might be the model student, but on the inside, I was just a greedy, selfish monster.

I shift in my seat to face Yoongi. "You're right. It's true. I am the perfect, straight A student. And all I care about is looking good. But at least I'm doing something. Better than being," I gesture at Yoongi. "a waste of space and money."

The air inside the car turns electric. Yoongi's murderous gaze is trained on the road in front of him. His knuckles are white against the stirring wheel. Did I go too far? My body tenses, fight or flight mode activated. We pull up to a red light. Finally, an escape.

I grab my bag and step out. For the first time, Yoongi looks at me. There's a hardness in his eyes that I didn't notice before. Like battle wounds covered up by a tattoo. "I'll walk from here."

Yoongi opens his mouth to argue, but then decides against it. I'm glad. I don't have the energy to argue.

I shoulder my bag and straighten my back. The car engine revs behind me. A wave of relief crashes into me when Yoongi's car disappears from view, and my facade disappears. My shoulders droop forward, and my face falls. Today was mentally exhausting. and it's only the afternoon.

I ruffle through my bag and find the $300 Yoongi had paid me. I suddenly feel disgusted with it. It felt unclean, violated for some reason. A familiar sign catches my eye. Blue Line Bar. I finger the bills and walk in.


This chapter is really short, sorry. These next two weeks are super busy for me, so my writing schedule will be pretty out of whack. Please be patient! I'll try to update as much as I can. Thanks for reading! <3

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