Blame 24 - Ding

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Blame 24

Jin's eyes grew to the size of saucers. "Yoongi? What the hell are you doing here?"

I heard Yoongi's voice behind me. "Aw, shit," he hissed.

My neck twisted back and forth, staring at the two men. My jaw dropped. "You two know each other?"

Jin nodded his head dumbly. "Uh, yeah. We're best friends. We've known each other since middle school." He turned his attention back to Yoongi.

He pointed a long slender finger at the shorter man. "You never answered my question. What were you doing with—" Jin stopped mid sentence. I could see the switch flip in Jin's head. A slight blush crept onto his model-esque cheekbones. His hand flew to his mouth. He gasped in shock.

"You guys had mmhmm?" Jin made an obscene gesture with his hands.

I covered my eyes. Ohmygod. I'm scarred for life. "Ohmygod. WHAT?" I sputtered, unable to believe my ears and eyes. Was he thinking what I thought he was thinking?

Yoongi sighed and ruffled his dark, silky hair. He looked good, a little too good, in his faded black jeans and gray sweatshirt. The dark material of his pants clung to his skin, making every muscle visible. The perfect combination of comfort and sexy. My mind wandered to what Jin had just said. I was a fairly attractive woman. And Yoongi was a healthy man in his twenties. What if we had had...?

What the flipping pancake was I thinking?

Yoongi interrupted my dirty train of thoughts. He stepped out so Jin, he, and I formed a triangle.

"I moved." He held his hands out palms forward as if to say, what could I do?

Jin shook his head in disbelief. "You moved? Here? You never told any of us."

"Us?" I shot to Yoongi.

"My other friends," he quickly explained.

I raised an eyebrow. "You have other friends? Since when?" With Yoongi's personality, I was surprised anyone wanted to even talk to him.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, ignoring my jab. "You guys never asked," he directed to Jin.

Jin made an exasperated sound. "It's not everyday I ask my friends if they've moved to a completely new house."

Just then, my phone buzzed. I pulled it out and checked the screen. A new text from Sunny read: where r u? class is gonna start soon.

Oh crap! I gasped. "Yoongi! We're gonna be late to class! Jin, sorry I have to go."

Yoongi dismissed my panicked message with a wave of a hand. "Who cares if we're a few minutes late."

I scrunched up my face in anger. "Those few minutes are few minutes you could've used on getting smarter. And I assure you, you need a much time as you can get, buddy."

Next to me, Jin sucked in a breath through closed teeth. "Ohhhh. She got you good, man."

I grabbed onto Yoongi's ear and dragged him toward the elevator. He swatted at my hand that was pinching the tip of his ear, but I refused to let go. He spat curse after curse at me. Something about a mother trucker on a beach? I blocked it out.

Right before the elevator closed with Yoongi and I inside, Jin called out, "Don't forget: 11:30! Bring Yoongi too!"

The creaky old doors closed with a ding.


...Sorry for the short chapter...had to get something uploaded...I'm sleepy...It's 2:30 am...Goodnight...*yawns*

- Love, Laurie <3

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