Blame 2 - Mi Gatita

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Blame 2

The shadows seem to bend toward him as he stalks closer. His pitch black hair catches the sunlight. Suddenly, I find myself mesmerized by the way his eyes sparkle too. Without me realizing it, Yoongi's face is just inches away from mine. I stumble backwards. My back hits the edge of a desk and arches away from Yoongi. He leans his head down closer to mine. My cheeks start to heat up. Despite our proximity, I still can't really tell what color his eyes are. Every time he moves his head, they seem to shift colors. I can feel his body heat mingling with mine. My heart is pounding. What is he doing to me?

Yoongi smirks down at me. "Do me a favor, would ya? Shut up."

My jaw drops open. Talk about rude. "What the fu-"

Without warning, Yoongi presses his lips against mine. "I told you to shut up," he mumbled against my lips.

I panic. I push against his slender shoulders, but he doesn't budge an inch. Yoongi plants an arm on each side of my body, locking me in one place. My mind blanks. The only thought in my brain is how soft his lips are. The next thing I know, Yoongi pries open my lips with his and slips a tongue in. My body responds instinctively, reaching out to meet him halfway. Blood courses through my veins, making every nerve stand on end. We were like two animals fighting to stay alive. I close my eyes and get lost in the moment. 

Yoongi throws his weight against my body, leaning me further against the top of the desk. The edge cuts into my spine. I feel myself slipping down, and I cling desperately to his shoulders. Noticing my distress, Yoongi snakes a hand onto my lower back to hold me steady. An electric shock travels through my body at his touch.

His other hand finds my ponytail and pulls it free from the hair tie. My long brown hair cascades down my back. His fingers tangle themselves within the strands, tugging at my scalp. Yoongi takes my bottom lip in his teeth and nibbles it gently. A tiny moan escapes my throat. I know Yoongi heard because his lips smiles against mine. And then, just as suddenly as it started, it is over. I gasp for air. My lips feel swollen and bruised. For some reason, I'm a little disappointed our kiss, or whatever that was, is so short.

Yoongi stands in front of me, unfazed like usual. "You look better with your mouth closed, mi gatita," he breathes with a wink. I blink my eyes furiously. My mouth opens, but I can't think of anything to say.

Yoongi pulls me back onto my feet, and I watch as he heads to the exit. He slides the door open and turns back around with a cocky smirk on his face, "But I'm sure you'd look even sexier with a gag in your mouth."

I gape at the door. There was no way in hell my first kiss was just taken by bad boy extreme Min Yoongi. "What the hell was that?" I yell after him, but not before Yoongi is already gone.

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