Blame 28 - Warmth

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Blame 28

"I like the way you think."

Yoongi met my outstretched hand in mid-air.

"Don't you feel bad for your friend Kim Taehyung?"

Yoongi looked up from his drink. "What? Why?" He had a genuine look of confusion on his face as if he never considered how his request might get his friend fired.

I pointed this out to him. To my surprise, Yoongi crinkled his eyebrows and gave me a close-lipped smile, his eyes looked to the ceiling. He shrugged his shoulders.

"He'll be fine. He's not going to get fired."

I let out an exasperated sigh. Yoongi was so sheltered that he didn't know how the real world worked. "Yoongi," I placed a hand on his shoulder and spoke slower like I was talking to a child. "In the work force, when you do something your boss doesn't like, you get fired."

Yoongi stared at me like I was mental. "Duh. Everyone knows that. But Taehyung can't get fired. His dad owns the restaurant." His voice suddenly changed to match mine from earlier. "In the real world, when you need something, you use connections."

I licked my lips sheepishly. Heat was already gathering at the tips of my ears and the apples of my cheeks. My gaze dropped down onto the swirls and circles in the table. "Whatever," I sputtered.

"I'm calling Jin. I suggest you call Sunny," Yoongi proclaimed.

I nodded, still embarrassed. I rummaged around my bag for my phone. Yoongi got up and walked outside to make his call so the lovebirds wouldn't suspect anything.

I dialed Sunny's number. She picked up on the first ring, like always.

"What's up, bud?" Sunny's cheery voice immediately made me forget my humiliation.

"Nothing much. Are you free tonight?" I asked.

"After work, yeah. Why? Wanna go shopping?" A hint of excitement entered her voice.

I shook my head. And then remembered she couldn't see me. "No..." I quickly thought of an excuse. "I, uh, I entered this lot drawing thing in the mall today and won a dinner for two at Once in a Blue Moon. I was wondering if you wanna eat there with me tonight."

"Once in a Blue Moon? Are you serious? Of course I'll come!" Sunny squealed into the phone. "That's amazing! I'm so excited!"

I giggled at her excitement. I could just imagine her beaming smile and the pink flush on her cheeks. She was going to be even more excited when she saw who she was dining with. "7:20pm, the table is under the name of the host of the drawing, Min Yoongi. Wear something sexy and don't be late!"

Thank me later, Kim Seokjin.

I ended the call. Yoongi finished his call to Jin and came back inside the restaurant. I drank the last bit of my chai latte and gathered my stuff.

Throwing away my cup, I asked, "What did you tell Jin?"

Yoongi laughed. "I told him we were celebrating Tae getting a new dog."

"And he believed you?" I asked, skeptical.

"Why wouldn't he?" I didn't answer. Yoongi slung an arm around my shoulders. It was like I suddenly had a warm scarf around my neck. I stared at the hand next to my face in surprise. I didn't peg Yoongi as a touchy-feely kind of guy.

"Come one. We have six hours to kill," Yoongi announced.

I stopped breathing. His face was so close to mine. He really was beautiful. Almost unearthly and mysterious. His hair even brushed my cheek. The cologne on his body drifted my way. It was a nice, spicy scent. Something you'd imagine belonged in one of those black and white gangster movies. My heart beat faster at our proximity.

Yoongi dragged me out of the restaurant. He let go once we hit the streets. The wind replaced where he once was. In that moment, I missed his warmth. 


Yay, new chapter! What do you guys want to see happen in this story? More fluff? Sexy time? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

Let me know what you guys think of the story so far. I really would love some honest feedback. This story is getting hella long omg. Anyway, please vote, share, and comment comment comment! 

Love, Laurie <3

P.S. This is a reupload, because Wattpad is being a poop. And for some reason, this chapter was deleted. RIP :(

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Blaming Black Cat // Min YoongiWhere stories live. Discover now