Blame 40 - Amazing? Super hot? Electric?

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Blame 40

My hair dripped wet from my shower. My feet curled into the carpet of my bedroom. Clothes were strewn across the room like some bizarre art gallery. I bent down and picked up my bra from last night. I let the towel from around my chest drop to the floor and shrugged my bra on. I latched the clasp in the back before putting on a pair of clean underwear.

A rustling noise grabbed my attention. I glanced over my bare shoulder. Yoongi was still sleeping peacefully in my messy bed, his hair a black halo around his porcelain face.

Something made me sit on the edge of the bed next to him. I ran my hand through his soft hair. The corners of his lips twitched upwards at my touch. Warm tendrils spread from my heart. I wanted to press my lips against his again so badly.

Stop it. Control yourself.

This was not a time to let the hormones take over.

I took one last glance at Yoongi's angelic face, committing it to memory. Then I gently shook his shoulder.

"Yoongi. Yoongi. Wake up."

He swatted my hand and grumbled. "Mmmm. Five more minutes. No, one more hour."

I shook him harder.

"No, Yoongi. Wake up. Come on," I pressed. I wasn't taking no for an answer.

After more shaking and threatening to grab the water pitcher, Yoongi finally sat up.

He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as a huge yawn took over his body.

"Yoongi, we should probably talk," I said, chewing my lip.

Yoongi sleepily nodded his agreement.

"Yesterday night was—" I stopped. I didn't know how to phrase what I was feeling.

"Amazing? Super hot? Electric? Oh, did I mention a-ma-zing?" Yoongi smiled smugly. His tiredness seemed to disappear at the mention of yesterday's steamy events.

A soft chuckle escaped my lips.

"I was thinking more along the lines of a mistake." It came out as a whisper. I hung my head. I didn't want to look at Yoongi's reaction. "Yesterday, I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry. There was that car thing, and then I totally unloaded all my emotional baggage on you, which was totally uncalled for, and you probably didn't want to hear it, and I just freaked out, and I'm so sorry, I don't know what I was thinking!"

"Alisha! Calm down." Yoongi gripped my shoulders. My breath came in short spurts. His fingers dung into my flesh. The pain helped clear my head. "It's okay. I think so too."

"But it was all in the heat of the moment!" I paused as his words registered in my head. "Wait, you...agree with me?"

Yoongi nodded.

A silence stretched between us. The awkwardness from the beginning of our relationship was back. I knew both of us felt it.

"I really feel like we've gotten a lot closer. Well, after last night, we've gotten as close as physically possible," Yoongi said slyly.

"Yoongi!" I covered my face in embarrassment.

"But our two month together are almost over," he continued. "And I don't want to spend the rest of it tiptoeing around each other just because we don't know how to act normally again."

"Agreed. Totally with you on that," I proclaimed. These past couple of weeks have definitely been an eye-opening experience. And I didn't want to take two steps back after finally taking one step forward.

"So, I propose that we forget that we ever had sex," Yoongi finished.

I blinked. "You want me to forget? That we did it."

"Yeah, essentially. Forget about it and move on. Act like nothing ever happened. Isn't that what you want?" he asked.

"Uh, yeah," I said, but a piece of my heart twinged. "That's a great idea. Pretend last night never happened. Got it. Let's never mention it again."

Yoongi smiled. "Awesome."

"But before we put a lid on this thing," I rushed. Yoongi raised an eyebrow. "Now that we've...done it—"

"Had sex," Yoongi smirked.

"Yeah, whatever." I waved him away, blushing. It felt so weird to hear it out loud. "Are you gonna pull a Taylor Swift and write a song about me?"

"Nah, who'd want to listen to a song about you?" His eyes twinkled.

I frowned and smacked his arm, but a smile spread across my face.

Deep down, I did want Yoongi to write a song about me. I was still waiting for a chance to listen to his music after all.

"I want to listen to your songs. Why won't you let me listen to them?" I pouted.

"Because I can't show you anything less than perfect," he replied with a gummy grin. "I'm not there yet, but just wait. One day. I promise you'll be the first one to hear it."

"Promise," I repeated.

We smiled at each other for a moment, the awkwardness miraculously gone again. It was back to the way it was before. That's what I wanted though. Wasn't it?

Yoongi pulled the covers back and started to dress himself from the clothes abandoned on the floor. "So, what's for breakfast, chef?"


Hello! Here's the new chapter. I hope you liked it. I keep saying that we're close to the end, and we are! But there's still so much to write about. We're definitely in the last quarter. Please stick with me until the end. I'm actually super excited to finish this. I can't wait for this to end. That sounds so weird, but it's true. It's kinda like wanting to finish a good book because you're ready for the problems to be over, but you don't want it to ever end at the same time. You know?

I've figured out that I update about once or twice a week now. But I will still try to update as much as possible. Thank you for putting up with my erratic terrible schedule. ^.^

As always, please don't forget to vote, share, and comment comment comment!

Love, Laurie <3

P.S. Anyone remember Kiss Me Thru The Phone by Soulja Boy Tell'em? Such a bop.

Word count: 1054

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