Blame 10 - Like Duping a Dog

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Blame 10

//Yoongi's POV//

I scroll through my Instagram feed while I wait for Alisha to come out of her room. Without realizing, I'm on Alisha's profile. Her page was public, but I've never checked it out before. Never really had an interest in her. But that night in the classroom...something about her had piqued my curiosity. It was just so fun pushing her buttons. Her flustered expressions. The way her mouth dropped when she found out we were roommates.

It was like duping a dog.

A buzz sounds somewhere on the couch. Alisha's phone is wedged between the seats. I glance over at her bedroom. Still closed. Silently, I pluck her phone from its fluffy prison. It's an old model, maybe from three years ago. Old-fashioned, but it got the job done. A silicon case covered the body, making it easier to grip. On the back, the Ryan character waves back at me. I flip it over to the screen. A single notification stretches across the middle. A snapchat from "SeaEscape."

//Alisha's POV//

I slam the door shut behind me. No way in hell I was giving Yoongi a chance to peek. Although I doubted he had any interest. I might as well be a dead log in his eyes.

Too aware of the clock, I shimmy out of my sweatpants and sweatshirt. The dress is laid out on my bed. Its cool colors pop out against my burgundy covers. For a moment, I allow myself to admire the craftsmanship that went into the dress. Every jewel seemed meticulously set. Not a strand out of place. A chance to wear a dress like this was never going to come again. I could practically hear it screaming my name. Alisha! Wear me! Alisha!

A knock on the door jerks me back into reality. "9 minutes left!" Yoongi calls out.

I huff and kick the door in response. It rattles in its frame. Could he be any more annoying?

From afar, the dress seemed the right size, but as I pull it down my body, I realize that was not the case at all. The fabric clings to the upper half of my body, then billows out at the belly button line like a cocktail dress. It barely reaches mid thigh. I tug on the ends to try to cover myself a little more. This was too short for my comfort.

With some wiggling and squirming, I manage to the dress on properly. I do a spin in front my full-length mirror. Surprisingly, it didn't look bad. Actually, it made me look drop dead gorgeous. Thank god I shaved yesterday, cause my normally short stubby legs turned into model legs. I didn't have much going on in the front, but the sheer tightness of the dress created some visible cleavage. I discovered some curves I didn't know I had. For once, I let myself think I was beautiful. Too bad it was just the magic of the dress.

I glance at my clock. 5 minutes left.

I snatch my hairbrush off my nightstand and go to town on my hair. My scalp throbs at my aggressive tugging, but I grit my teeth and power through. I didn't have time. Somehow I manage to get it semi under control. I shrug. Good enough. Next was makeup. I didn't really wear a ton of makeup. On a good day, it was just some mascara, lip tint, and a little bit of concealer. Today I decided to go a little fancier for the eyes. With this dress, it seemed like a shame not to.

I dabbed a hint of red lip tint onto the the middle of my lips. While waiting for it to dry, I applied my concealer and eyeliner. To match the dress I was wearing, I wanted to go for a dark green blended into the black eyeliner look.

"2 minutes!" Yoongi yells from outside.

My heartbeat starts running. As fast I can, I dunk my brush into some dark emerald eyeshadow and run it across my eyelids. Each tick of my clock sounds like firework going off.

"1 minute!"

Finally, I take my tube of mascara and darken my lashes, careful not to mess anything I've already done. Anddddddd, DONE!

"10 minutes is up. I'm coming in!" Yoongi says.

I sprint across my room, barefoot. I open the door and step out. I bet he'll get a kick out of this.

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