Blame 36 - Make It

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Blame 36

The sunset illuminated my face as we window shopped. Every so often, my hand brushed against the back of Yoongi's hand when we walked side by side. The butterfly in my chest fluttered each time. The spot of contact tingled.

We stopped in front of a convenience store.

"Stay here. I'll buy us some drinks. What do you want?" Yoongi pointed his thumb at the entrance.

"Apple juice," I responded.

I watched Yoongi's slim figure recede into the store. My eyes followed his black hair to the drinks section through the window. I chuckled to myself as Yoongi dropped a can on the floor.

Somewhere down the line, I stopped feeling cautious around him. There was no doubt in my mind that I could pick him out from behind in a crowd. When did I become so comfortable with Yoongi?

A throat cleared behind me. I spun around me.

A young man just a couple centimeters shorter than me with a pretty, small face awkwardly shifted on his feet. He was clearly my junior, but not by much. His shy cuteness immediately brought out the motherly protectiveness in me. If I was a couple years younger, I totally would have had a crush on him. But something about him was very familiar.

"Hi, um, I'm not really familiar with this place." His voice was soft and had a singsongy lilt. I wondered if he was a singer. "Can you tell me how I can get to Seoul University?"

Seoul University? That's where I was studying. Judging by his looks, he must be a freshman.

My eyes lit up. "Of course!"

I pulled out my phone and showed the cute stranger which busses to take, all the while stealing glances at his face. He nodded his head as I talked.

Something wasn't right. If he wasn't from Seoul, I definitely didn't know him. But...I was sure I had seen him before. It was tugging at the back of my mind like a tune you couldn't remember the title to.

"Are you a student at Seoul University? I'm a junior," I asked, curious.

He nodded, and his hair flopped against his forehead. Cute. "Yeah. I'm a transferring freshman."

"That's awesome." I stuck my hand out. "I'm Alisha Lee, by the way. I know we just met, but since I'm technically your sunbae, if you ever need any help or have any questions, feel free to email me. It's"

He grinned, and my heart warmed. I had the sudden urge to ruffle his hair. Stop it. That's creepy.

"I'm Lee Jihoon," he said, shaking my hand. "Thank you so much for everything. I better get going before I'm late to my first class. I'll see you around campus?"

I smiled. "Yeah." I waved until he disappeared from sight. My eyebrow crinkled. That nagging feeling was still there.

"Having fun?" said a flat voice.

"Yoongi!" I clutched my chest. "You scared me. Don't do that."

He ignored me. Two cans were in each of his hands. He thrusted the apple one at me. "Who was that?"

"I don't—"

And then it hit me. That boy I met, Lee Jihoon, looked strikingly similar to Yoongi. So similar it was almost scary. Did Yoongi have a son he wasn't telling me about?

I shook my head. That's ridiculous.

"It's nothing. He asked for directions."

"Only directions?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow.

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