Blame 33 - Darling

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Blame 33

I groaned into my pillow. What had I just done? I helped bring Yoongi's grades up from the bottom of the ocean. And kindness did not come easily to me. So, I should be feeling like a saint. Why was I feeling like I had just sold me soul to the devil? Regret weighed me down like rocks in the Salem witch trials. After I made that bet with Yoongi, he started to attack his textbooks with twice the determination. In a few hours, he learned half a year's worth of calculus. At the rate he was going, he was easily going to top the ranks. But I did not want to be Yoongi's personal slave for a day.

Wrapping my fluffy blanket around my pajama-clothed body, I fumbled around my drawer for my phone. My fingers touched the cold glass screen, and I brought it to my face. I was dying to rant my anger to someone. My finger swiped through my admittedly short list of contacts. My parents? Hell no. Sunny? Then I'd have to explain how I knew Yoongi and that was a can of worms I did not want to open.

I turned to the only person who didn't have to power to judge me.

[Downthe_Aliway: I just made a bet with this guy that I don't think I can win.]

A reply popped up instantly.

[SeaEscape: Then why'd you make it in the first place?]

[Downthe_Aliway: I thought I could win...]

[SeaEscape: What happens if you lose?]

[Downthe_Aliway: I have to do whatever he says for a day :( ]

[SeaEscape: Is this the annoying guy you keep telling me about?]

[Downthe_Aliway: Yeah, unfortunately.]

[SeaEscape: Darling, I guess you have to win then.]

Darling? That was new. And kind of creepy.

[Downthe_Aliway: *sarcasm* Wow, thanks for your help. And don't call me Darling. It's weird and gross.]

[SeaEscape: Whatever you say, Darling. ;) ]

I growled in frustration. How was he so charming and so creepy at the same time?

I stifled a yawn. Sleepy tears gathered at the corners of my eyes. I put my phone back where it belonged and snuggled into my sheets a little more.

My mind wandered back to my dilemma. Although I didn't want to do anything Yoongi told me to, I wasn't going to stop tutoring him. I promised him I would bring his grades up, and that's what I was going to do. 


Next chapter will be in Yoongi's POV probably :) Also, chapter 31 is sh*t, ignore it. I wrote it half-asleep (this chapter too lol, tbh half of this story is written at 1 am or some other ungodly hour) and it's terrible. Anyway, thanks for reading! We're coming toward the last stretch!

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Love, Laurie <3

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