Blame 26 - Trust Me

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Blame 26

My eyes locked onto a figure with broad shoulders and brown mousy hear sipping coffee and tapping away on his phone through the big glass window of a restaurant.

I tapped Yoongi's shoulders excitedly. "Look, it's Jin!"

My legs carried me across the street to the window. I lightly tapped on the glass in front of Jin. Jin's head snapped up. He noticed me. A smile broke my features, and I waved my hand back and forth until it was a blur. Behind me, I could hear Yoongi chuckling.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked.

Yoongi paused long enough to answer. "You're such a child."

I stuck my chin out, pretending to be offended. "Well, I happen to like children."

Yoongi snickered a little under his breath, causing a gummy grin to appear. I fought to keep a straight face as I saw Yoongi's eyes turn into crescent moons.

I adjusted my purse strap and entered the restaurant. Before sitting down with Jin, I ordered a chai latte. Yoongi ordered a dark chocolate mocha.

Jin raised an eyebrow when we sat down with our drinks in our hands. He brought a hand up to his chin, resting his head into the palm.

"You two seem awfully close."

I nervously glanced at Yoongi. His facial expression stayed stone neutral.

"We bumped into each other on the way here," Yoongi explained nonchalantly.

Jin looked suspiciously at Yoongi. I could tell he didn't believe him, especially after seeing us come out of my apartment together.

"We're really not together or anything," I piped up.

"Uh-huh. You guys never did it? Not even once?"

"No!" I said horrified.

"Never even thought about it?"

I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. My face started to heat up. Jin sassily took a sip of his coffee without breaking eye contact. Thankfully, Yoongi answered for me.

"It's none of your business. You're so nosy," Yoongi complained.

A light lit up on Jin's face, clearly used to these kind of comments. "Oh! I got one."

Got what? Beside me, Yoongi groaned.

He cleared his throat. "What does a nosey pepper do?"

Jin paused, obviously waiting for someone to answer. I looked at Yoongi. Yoongi was looking at his phone.

"Gets jalapeño business!" Jin exclaimed, tired of waiting for an answer. A high-pitched laugh sneaked out of his tall body. I was suddenly reminded of the windshield wipers on a car.

Yoongi raised his hand for a waiter. "Can I have a glass of water?" The waiter nodded and hurried off to fill a cup.

"Why do you want some water? You have coffee already," I asked, puzzled.

Yoongi gestured at Jin still dying at his own joke. "He needs to cool down."

After barely managing to convince Yoongi not to douse Jin in water, we turned our attention to the real reason why we were all here.

"I think I have a crush on Sunny." The tips of Jin's ears turned pink.

The teenage girl inside me squealed. This was so cute!

I locked my hands together on the table in front of me and sat up straight. "If you want Sunny to like her, you have to know what she likes," I said acting like a professional counselor.

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