Blame 44 - Unwelcome Feelings

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Blame 44

Yoongi held the door to the karaoke room for me. A wave of "Fantastic Baby" by Big Bang blasted out, leaving my ears ringing. Hesitantly, I stepped inside. The first thing I saw was two unfamiliar boys rocking their bodies to the music and scream-singing into microphones. A rainbow afro covered one's head, and the other had neon green shutter shades on his nose.

"Alisha, over here!" Over on the couch, Sunny waved me over. She was seated next to Jin with a beer in her hand. His arm was slung over her shoulders protectively.

Glancing at the two boys who seemed to be having the time of their lives, I scampered to Sunny's side.

"Hi, Sunny. Jin," I gave them each a little wave.

Sunny handed me a can of beer from the table in front of us. "Guess what? The waiter at Once in a Blue Moon is here. Isn't that crazy?"

A waiter? I scrunched my eyebrows. I didn't know a waiter. Then it clicked. "Taehyung?"

A familiar ethereal face popped out next to Jin. "Yep! Nice to see you again, Alisha," Taehyung smiled a boxy smile.

The couch dipped next to me as Yoongi sat down. Taehyung raised his perfect eyebrows at him. "Soooo...You two came together. Are you guys dating yet?"

I flushed. "What? No. We're just friends."

Yoongi chuckled. "I would never date her. We're too close. It would be like dating myself."

I squeezed out a small laugh, but my heart panged.

"Hyung, if you're not going to date a beautiful girl like her, I'll date her," said one of the boys who had been singing. The song had just ended, and the two boys came trotting over.

The flirt flashed a brilliant smile that made his eyes turn into crescent moons. I looked him over. Not bad. He was wearing a black t-shirt tight enough to show his muscles rippling underneath the fabric and black jeans. A silver necklace with an ocean wave hung right under his collarbone.

A heartbreaker for sure.

"I'm Park Jimin," he said, sticking his hand out.

I took it. In one swift motion, Jimin knelt on one knee in front of me like a prince. He flipped my hand and kissed the back of my hand under the knuckles. I gasped in shock. He gazed up at me from under his voluminous lashes and winked. The tips of my ears heated up.

This boy knew how pretty he was and wasn't afraid to flaunt it.

The other, clearly younger, boy pushed Jimin to the side. "Hyung, stop it. Look at her. You're scaring her!"

"I don't think that's what being scared looks like," Jimin chuckled at his junior.

The younger boy stepped in front of Jimin, blocking him from my view. "Ignore him. He pooped his pants until he was 10. I'm Jungkook by the way. Nice to meet you."

"Hey!" Jimin shouted from behind Jungkook. He grabbed Jungkook's arm.

I giggled watching them wrestle.

Just then I heard a knock on the door.

"Must be the food," Jimin said.

"I'll get it," I volunteered, walking over to the door. "Thank—Hoseok?"

Hoseok dressed in a waiter uniform stood in front of me with a tray full of food and a surprised look on his face. "Alisha? What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Finals are over so I'm hanging out with some friends." I gestured behind me, an equally as surprised look on my face. "You?"

"First day on the job," he replied. His gaze focused on something over my shoulder. A lazy smile spread across his face. He jerked his head. "Who's that sexy thing?"

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