Blame 9 - Backed into a Corner

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Blame 9

My heart jumps. Was I still sleeping? I reach a hand out and slap Yoongi across the face.

He leaps back, holding his cheek. "What the hell?"

"What did you say?"

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I slap Yoongi again.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Stop it!" There was a red patch where my hand made contact. Okay, so it wasn't a dream.

Maybe Yoongi had a terminal illness like those people in a drama and needed to confess his undying (dying) love.

"Do you need to see a doctor? My dad knows a good one." I grip the sides of his face. "Does your girlfriend know—"

He swats my hands away. "I don't have a girlfriend."


"I lied, okay?"

"Why would you lie about having a girlfriend?" Well, I guess I didn't have the right to judge. After all, I lied about having a boyfriend too.

"I don't know. I guess I wanted to see how you'd react. But I really need you to act like my girlfriend. Just for today." Yoongi made puppy eyes at me.

I recoil in disgust. "No! Why would I do that?"

Yoongi drops the act and points at the money in my hand. "You took the money."

My mouth opens and closes like a fish. "But—"

"A deal is a deal, Alisha."

I was backed into a corner. I huff in frustration. "Fine." I give Yoongi a up-down. "I'm guessing I need to wear something fancy?"

Yoongi nods.

I head to my room before I remember I had sold my fancy dresses in order to buy this apartment. I meant to shop for more but haven't had the time yet.

"I don't have a fancy dress." Maybe I still had a chance to get out of this.

"That's fine. I have one." Yoongi replies.

I raise an eyebrow. Yoongi had a dress? Was he one of those guys with a thing for cross dressing?

Yoongi notices my strange expression. "It's not what you think it is. I was going to force Jimin to wear a wig and this dress, but he wasn't answering any of my phone calls. You were my second best option."

"Nice to know I'm in the top three." I say sarcastically.

Yoongi returns to his room and comes back a couple seconds later holding the most gorgeous dress I've ever seen.

My breath hitched. It was a deep blue color that shifted green in the light. Diamonds lined the plunging neckline. Two lace straps on each shoulder held the dress up on the coat hanger. It was like looking into the ocean at night with the stars in the reflection. It must have cost thousands of dollars.

"I get to wear this?" It seemed too good to be true.

Yoongi nods. "It's all yours. Hurry up, we need to leave in," he glances at his watch. "10 minutes. If you're not done, I'm dragging you out."

10 minutes! How was I going to get the dress on, do makeup and my hair in 10 minutes? This was crazy!

"The clock is ticking, Alisha."

I snatched the dress from Yoongi's hands and disappeared into my room without another word. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of dragging me out.

//Yoongi's POV//

A tiny grin tugs at the corner of my mouth. This could be fun.

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