Blame 11 - You're Not a God

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Blame 11

I come face to face with Yoongi. His nose practically touching the bridge of mine. The scent of his cologne lingers around him like an aura. Mmmm...Sandelwood and rose. My gaze flickers to his lips, and I blush at our closeness. He glances down.

"Nice tits."

I spin around, horrified. I cover my chest with my arms even though he can't see me. This is so not worth $300. Why was he so rude? I swear, I was going to smack that boy someday, set him straight.

I sense Yoongi go away. The front door creaks open and clicks shut. I turn around. He left without me! Snatching my purse, I grab my coat and dash out after him. I don't even bother putting on my shoes. My barefoot slap against the concrete floor, high heels in hand. If I had known this was how he was going to act, I never would have agreed to a favor. I was too blinded by his money.

Yoongi leads me to his car. A slick black Mercedes Benz blinks its headlights as Yoongi pressed the unlock button on his keys. "Get in," Yoongi orders.

I hesitantly pull the passenger door open. The leathery smell of seats waft upwards. Was this a bad idea? I've only known Yoongi for little more than a week. And we barely talked. Was it too late to return the money and go back to watching Netflix?

Yoongi stares at me from the driver's seat, one eyebrow raised. "Are you coming?"

You only live once.

I get in.

Yoongi pulls out of the garage with the smoothness of a newly-licensed driver and only to the open streets. I grip my seatbelt in panic. Cars all around us honk in anger as we weave through traffic. I'm pretty sure one dude gave me double fingers. I gave one back. The needle on the speedometer edges past 60 miles per hour. Yoongi was going to get us killed!

The light in front of us changes to red. Yoongi doesn't notice. A yelp bursts out of my mouth. "Slow down! Stop!" I screech, pointing to the old lady crossing the street.

"Slow down or stop? Which one is it?" Yoongi shouts.

"BOTH!" I snap.

Yoongi presses hard on the breaks. The tires squeal in protest. We both jerk against our seatbelts. The fabric digs into my shoulder. My muscles tense up ready for impact. The car lurches to a stop two feet away from the elderly woman. My heart keeps pounding out of my chest. I let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding and gulp down another one.

"What the hell?" I cry.

"I-I wasn't looking." Yoongi shrugs. He tries to hide it, but I can tell he's shaken up too. We both have wild looks in our eyes. His hands tremble on the stirring wheel.

"You're driving, for fuck's sake. You could have killed that person!" I gesture out into the streets. "You could have killed us! Do you know that the number one cause of death in our age range is car crashes?" I was starting to get to a fever pitch. A memory of another car crash flickers past my mind. Sweat coats my forehead.

Yoongi brushes off my comment. "I'm not going to get into a car crash. It's not going to happen to me."

"You're not a god, Yoongi," I say quietly.

The light changes to green. The car starts to move again. Over the din of the engine, I heard Yoongi mutter something that sounds like, "I know."

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