Blame 35 - A Nervous Giddy Feeling

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Blame 35

*Alisha's POV*

On the third day of tutoring, we made it to the very last problem of Youngi's calculus review. It was a Saturday, but we were both studying ours butts off.

The curtains were pulled open in Yoongi's bedroom. Light streamed in and illuminated the room. I suddenly realized that I've never actually seen Yoongi's room in the daylight. In the bright natural light, wasn't the dark, gloomy place I perceived it to be.

"Done!" Young interrupted my cloud of thoughts.


He waved his review in the air in front of my nose. "I'm done with calculus. Thank god! I don't know if I could have added another number."

A gummy smile was flashed my way. "I just had the greatest idea ever."

"Impossible. You need a brain to have ideas," I scoffed, flipping through some flash cards I made for myself.

"And you need a mouth to shut up," he shot back.

Silence ensued, until it broke down with a little giggle on my part.

"That was terrible. You know that, right?," I covered my mouth to hide my grin. "Like, almost Jin level bad. So your idea?"

"We should go out to eat to celebrate me finishing math." Excitement peeked through his voice.

I pretended to muse over the idea. "Let me get my bag and I'll be right out."

Yoongi's eye's sparkled like a little boy's excited over a new toy.

We walked down to the parking garage together. The silence between each other, I noticed, was different. It was nothing like those awkward silences we used to have. This was warm and familiar.

Yoongi stopped in front of his black ride. My stomach squirmed.

"I am not getting into that car if you're driving," I declared.

"I'm not that bad of a driver."

"You drive like a blind man," I snorted.

Yoongi's face scrunched up. "Okay, then you drive," he challenged, tossing the keys at me.

My heartbeat quickened as I stared at the piece of metal in my hand. The power that nobody realized that was inside each key.

"I don't feel like driving," I lied. I pushed the rising bile back down. "Let's call a taxi instead."

I turned on my heel and waved my hand at the incoming traffic. Before long, a beat up yellow taxi pulled up next to us.

After arguing intensely, we settled (more like Yoongi guilt tripped me) on his favorite tteokbokki place.

"You eat so slowly," Yoongi grumbled. "You're not even halfway done."

I swallowed the piece of rice cake I was chewing. "Great food deserves to be appreciated slowly."

Yoongi sighed and gazed at my face.

Spooning another delicious mouthful into my mouth, I eyed my roommate. I pulled my face into a kimchi stained smile.

Yoongi recoiled back in his chair. "Ew, close your mouth!"

"I was waiting for you to take a picture. It lasts longer than staring." I snorted at his reaction.

A blush crept onto the peaks of his cheekbones. "I didn't mean to stare. Sorry..."

"It's fine. There's not much to look at anyway," I brushed off his apology. He probably—

A rough napkin touched the corner of my lips. I froze.

"Y-you had some sauce on your face."

My eyes widened in surprise. Yoongi's hand cupped my face. Even though the napkin separated his hand and my cheek, I could still feel each finger splayed against my skin. The heat from his touch seeped into my body.

His face was centimeters apart, our noses practically touching. My eyes locked onto his. His gaze flickered down to my lips and then back. They stared back at me with this intensity that made me shiver. A nervous, but giddy, feeling erupted in my stomach.

"Here's your check. Would you like to pay cash or credit today?"

We snapped away from each other like we were burned. A bored looking waitress stared down at us. Something told me she didn't care if we were making out or on our phones, she just wanted us out.

I rummaged through my purse for my wallet. "Credit please."

Yoongi grabbed my hand. "I'll pay for it," he said to the waitress. He handed her a silver credit card. "Together, please."

The waitress nodded and left with the bill.

"I can pay for myself," I muttered.

He shook his head. "A gentleman should pay for a lady's meal."

I chocked on my coffee. Gentleman? Lady? "I'm no lady. And since when were you a gentleman?"

"I've always been one. You just couldn't seen it," Yoongi gestured to himself in an extravagant manner. I rolled my eyes. This boy...

I finished off the last bite of my tteokbokki and gathered my stuff. The waitress came back with Yoongi's card. He held the door open as I stepped into Seoul's streets. The cool wind whipped through my hair.

"After you, my lady," Yoongi drawled, a smug smirk on his handsome features.

"What a gentleman," I scoffed.


Hallo! I wanted to add more to this chapter, but I figured it would be better to post this now than to add more and wait like another day or something. As the school year nears its end, I'm getting more and more busy. Testing ugh (ACT/SAT anyone???). So my writing schedule (which is virtually nonexistent anyway), is gonna go down the drain. Yeah...Anyway, thank you for sticking with this story and continuing to read. I'm trying to end this story so I can concentrate on another story (and hopefully make it better than this one), but there's still a lot left. Again, thanks for reading, and I love each and every one of you guys! <3

Please don't forget to vote, share, and comment comment comment!

Love, Laurie <3

Word count: 1012

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