Blame 31 - Ramen

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Blame 31

I flipped a page in my overly-priced 100 pound biology textbook. My heart sank at the sheer amount of letters on the newspaper thin paper. The little black words in front of me floated across the page. None of this makes sense. I growled in frustration. Exams were in one week, and I was far from being prepared.

"Alisha, do you want ramen or fried rice for lunch?" Yoongi called from the kitchen.


A burnt smell met my nose. What–? Oh no. I bolted to the kitchen, where Yoongi stood holding a pot with a black lump in the center.

"What are you doing?" I screeched.

Yoongi gestured at unidentifiable mass. "Cooking. Duh." Like you could call that cooking. A small trail of smoke emerged from the burnt food.

"Turn off the stove, Yoongi!" He fiddled with the pot, shifting it into the crook of his hip. His other hand reached for the stove knob. I shook my head at the mess of a human and turned off the stove myself. I trusted Yoongi to cook food as much as I trusted Jin to tell a good joke.

I held my hands out. "Hand it over."

Yoongi sheepishly placed the pot with the ruined ramen into my hands. The smell of burned noodles wafted up. I crinkled my nose at the stench.

"From now on, you are banned from the kitchen," I declared while washing the noodle charcoal in the sink. My nails scraped across the ridges on the bottom of the pan, creating a terrible grinding noise. The water was up to my elbows.

My mind wondered back to my biology notes. The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. I sighed. There was still so much to review.

"There's no way I'm going to be ready for exams this year," I said, wistfully. "I'm so stressed."

Yoongi chowed down on a quick sandwich he had whipped up. "Why? Who cares about some stupid test?"

I finished cleaning Yoongi's failed experiment and settled next to him with my own sandwich.

"I care," I said through a mouthful of bread. A sudden curiosity popped into my head. "What rank are you in school?"

"Bottom section. I don't care though. School's a waste of time," Yoongi shrugged.

I nudged his shoulder a little. "But don't you want to challenge yourself and see how good you are compared to other people?"

"Not really."

"Seeing your name on that top 10 sheet is so satisfying," I glanced at my roommate. "You're missing out."

Yoongi put his plate in the soapy sink. "It doesn't matter. There's no way I'll get into the top 10 anyway."

"You never know until you try," I protested. I gasped. "I know! Let me help you! I can help you with your core classes! Leave it up to me, 3 time top-ten-placer."

"I don't need your help," Yoongi replied stonily.

"Aw come on. I know you secretly want to see your name on that list." I spread my hands in a rainbow motion like a billboard. "Imagine, your name big and bold for everyone to see."

Yoongi scratched his head. I could see his wall behind his eyes start to crumble. "I don't know..."

"It's happening!" I grabbed Yoongi's hand.


Short chapter, sorry! I will update when I get more time, which is hopefully soon! <3 Thank you all for your support and dedication!

It was either update today or a tiny update, so I chose tiny update :)

Love, Laurie <3

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