Blame 27 - Table for Two

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Blame 27

"Can I speak with Kim Taehyung? I'd like to make a reservation."

Yoongi paused while someone on the other line called the person named Kim Taehyung over. Music spilled out of the receiver as he was put on hold.

"What are you doing?" I questioned.

Yoongi pulled the phone away from his ear. "I'm helping Jin get some action."

The corners of my mouth turned downwards. "And just how do you plan on doing that?"

"Ever heard of Once in a Blue Moon?"

I raised an eyebrow. "The second full moon in a single month?" How was astronomy going to help Jin win Sunny's heart?

Yoongi lightly hit the top of my head in a karate chop. "No, babo. I mean the restaurant."

Oh. That made more sense. Everyone knew about Once in a Blue Moon. It was one of the finest restaurants in Seoul, maybe even Korea. Rumor say that a single soup cost as much as a regular steak. Reservations were always completely filled months in advance. Only celebrities and incredibly wealthy people could afford to dine there. Even presidents from around the world came to Korea on vacation just to eat there.

A click sounded as Yoongi was put through on the line.

"This is Once in a Blue Moon, how may I help you?" a deep voice said.

Yoongi's gums showed as he grinned. "Hey, Taehyung. I need a table for two tonight."

I strained to hear the response.

"Hyung, you know we're always full," this Kim Taehyung said apologetically.

"Can't you just, I don't know, push someone off for me?" Yoongi reasoned.

"We're a five-star restaurant. Everyone who eats here could get me, and everyone I know, fired. So no, I can't just push someone off the reservation list.," Taehyung whined.

Yoongi rolled his eyes in annoyance. His nostrils flared. I could tell he was getting more impatient by the way he drummed his fingers on the wooden table between us. "Tae, do you want me to tell Jimin about how you and J—"

"Wait!" Yoongi stopped. There was a pause on the other end. "7:20pm sharp under Min Yoongi."

Yoongi smirked, his canines showing. "That's my boy."

"I'm risking my job for this, hyung. This better be important," Taehyung's voice was filled with suspicion. I actually felt a little bad for him. He must respect Yoongi a lot to put his job on the line for him. Either that or Yoongi had just blackmailed him.

"Oh, it's very important," Yoongi drew out his words. A glint appeared in his eyes. Was he...having fun? "And Taehyung? Make that two tables for two."


Yoongi pressed the red end call button. His mouth curved up into a mischievous grin. A chuckle shook his chest.

I crossed my arms and leaned back in my chair. "There's no way Jin will agree to this."

"Exactly," Yoongi snickered. "That's why he won't know."

Yoongi dragged his pointer finger across the grain of the wood table, the gears in his head turning. I eyed his hands. They were smaller than I expected, but his fingers were long and elegant. Piano hands. His nail traced out letters absentmindedly. A-L-I-S-H-A.

His eyes drilled into mine. It felt like he was searching for something in my soul. The green flecks in his colored contacts reflected the artificial light above us. For a second, I found myself lost in them. Subconsciously, my body leaned forward toward the boy in front of me.

"Here's the plan," Yoongi said, snapping me out of my trace. "We have to trick Jin and Sunny into meeting up, okay?"

Still a little dazed, I nodded my head.

Yoongi took this as a signal to proceed. "I'll take care of Jin. You'll have to make sure Sunny comes somehow. Tell her you want to gossip or something you girls do."

"Excuse you. Not every girl gossips like those dumb chicks in movies," I snapped. A flicker of irritation flashed through me. I puffed out a stream of air out of my nose.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Yoongi waved his hands dismissively and then continued like I hadn't said anything. "So then, they'll meet up and hit it up, while we get to watch the whole thing from the front row seats."

He took a slow sip of his drink. Something was bugging me. It was right there on the tip of my tongue. I bit the rim of the plastic lid thinking.

It suddenly clicked in my head. That's why Yoongi asked for two tables for two. One for Jin and Sunny and one for Yoongi and I. A devilish smile crept onto my face.

"I like the way you think."

Yoongi met my outstretched hand in mid-air.


Hallo. School started again, so slower updates :(

This book is so boring.

Idk what I'm doing with my life. 

Yoongi in the beginning is me.

See you in the next update.


Love, Laurie <3

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