Blame 15 - Feed Me

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Blame 15

A soft jingle of a bell above signals my entrance. A waitress nearby welcomes me with a bow. Sunlight streams through the glass windows so the building feels more like a café than a bar. Stools line the bar. A young couple whispers to each other in a corner, too engrossed in each other to notice me. The smell of Korean cuisine fills the air. I drag my feet to a stool.

"Ali!" a voice exclaims from behind the granite counter.

I recognize the voice immediately. A wave of happiness washes over me. I throw my purse onto the counter and lay my cheek onto the cold stone.

"Hoseok!" I whine. "I think I just had the worst day of my life."

The bartender chuckles while he dries a champagne flute with a cloth. "You haven't been in here for three months and this is how you greet me?"

I pout. "How else do you want me to greet you?"

"How about 'oppa'?" Hoseok wiggles his eyebrows. He pretends to sip out of the empty glass like a king.

I snort and draw my lips up in disgust. "Don't even try. You're only two months older than me."

"Two months and twelve days to be exact," Hoseok says proudly.

I roll my eyes. At that moment, my stomach erupts in protest. My energy level plummets into my toes. I didn't even get a single spoonful of food at Yoongi's house. What a lunch.

Pulling out my puppy eyes, I bat my eyelashes at the man in front of me. "I'm hungwy," I say in a baby voice. "Feed me?"

A wide grin breaks out on Hoseok's face. He reaches over a pinches my cheek. "Aigoo, so cute!"

I grit my teeth, barely restraining myself from biting his fingers off. Think about the food, Alisha.

"Who do you want to feed you?"

"You," I say, honey dripping from my lips.

"Who?" Hoseok teases.

I shake my finger at him. "You!"

"Who's you?"

I puff my cheeks in frustration. This was getting old. I debate on whether getting free food was worth losing my dignity. I mentally shrug. I've already lost that once today.

"Oppa! Feed me please!" I throw out a finger heart. "Saranghae!" I cringe so hard. My insides feel like they want to crawl away in revulsion.

I groan. "Kill me now. Put me out of my misery."

Hoseok laughs hysterically.

I shoot a whole arsenal of daggers at him. If looks could kill, I'd be arrested for murder. "I hate you, Jung Hoseok."

My friend wipes tears from his eyes. I watch in red hot embarrassment as he gasps for air. "Y-you know you love me, Alisha Lee," he says through breathes.

"Whatever," I huff to the side.

Another giggle escapes Hoseok's lips. "I'll be right back, hon. You want the usual?" he throws over his shoulder.

I nod my head eagerly, the earlier hostility forgotten at the prospect of food. Right before Hoseok disappears into the kitchen, he swivels back around. "Food is on me on one condition."

I moaned in complaint. "What is it now?"

Hoseok pointed a finger up and down my dress. "I wanna hear all the details."

My face flushes. I tug the edge of the dress down a little to cover up more of my revealing legs. Talking to my longtime friend made me forgot all about my "date", or whatever you could call it. When Hoseok's back turns, I mimic whacking him over the head. I feel a tiny bit of satisfaction from Hoseok's pretty little unsuspecting head.

A beep from my phone interrupts my train of thought. My hand involuntarily swipes open the notification. A smile creeps onto my face as I read the text. 


Whelp...That was a really late update...*claps hands together* Sorry! I'll work harder from now on to update on time!

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