Chapter 1

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Jay's POV

A loud ringing noise began to hurt my ears. I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling again.

"Why." I sighed and stopped the alarm on my ipod.

I sat up and got off the bed. I looked at the time to see it was midnight. I went straight to the bathroom and took a shower. Once I got out, I got ready immediately. I got my black skinny jeans, a light green buttoned up loose tank top, gray jacket, an old brown combat boots, gray beanie and my back pack. I packed the rest of my food and clothes, wasn't much, but heck I'll survive. I grabbed my pistol and put it the back of my back pack with a secret pouch along with the bullets. I hid the knives inside of my boots, I looked around to see if I've missed anything and thought of nothing. I shrugged and headed out the door.

I looked out to see all darkness, empty streets, crickets chirping and the moonlight shining down on the road. It was such a beautiful sight looking right at the moon. I stopped paying attention to the moon and took a deep breath. I began to walk to the side of the road and saw a bus, "nice." I smiled and waited till it stopped. It stopped and the lady opened the door with a smile, "hi there! Where you headed?" A lady that seems to be in her 50's with perfect black hair asked with her eyes wrinkling in the corner of her eyes as she smiled. 

I went inside seeing no one in the bus other than her and now just me, "um I don't really have a location, but somewhere far from here I suppose?" I said quietly.

She closed the door and nodded, "well. You're in luck, I was actually on my way to my work to leave this old bus and go home. I go very far though, today seems to be your lucky day."

"Oh, I'm sorry. It's fine actually, you can go home now. You're probably tired. I'll just wait for another bus" I was about to turn around to face the door, but she started speaking.

"No no, it's fine dear. I can't leave you out here alone?" She stopped and looked at my face carefully, "you seem awfully young to be out by yourself? How old are you?" she questioned and chuckled.

"Are you sure?" She nodded and gave me a reassuring smile as I sighed. "Hm alright. Thank you, but I'm 19 years old."

She laughed, "19? Wow, never really expected you to be 19. You look like you're 15."

I nodded and sighed jokingly, "yeah, I get that a lot.  Just a small person I guess."

She laughed and I sat in the front next to the window.  I gave a playful smile and took out fifty dollars, giving it to her. She took it and then looked at it, "dear this is too much.. I didn't even tell you how much you have to spend. I only usually charge twenty-thirty dollars." She tried giving it back to me, but I shook my head, "no it's fine. I took your time of being home  please you can keep the change. Take it. " She didn't want to argue and I gave a smile as she slowly nodded her head and drove off.

"You have that beautiful baby face coming on too. So it makes you look very young and angel like" she changed the subject and winked. I gave a shy smile and she shook her head laughing putting her attention back to the road.

It was all silent now. I put in my earphones and listened to The Cab, '70's song'. I watched the bus pass by so many stores, houses, and even people. I yawned and slowly got some shut eye for a bit.

Hours had passed and all I could feel was a tap on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and looked up to see the lady giving me a faint smile. I cleared my throat and took off my earphones hiding it on the small pouch in the front of my back pack, "oh hi. I'm sorry, how long was I out?"

"You've been out for about 2 hours. This is my last stop and I'll be out." She informed moving out of the way.

I stood up and stretched as I put on my back pack. Looking out to see it was still very dark outside. "You sure you can handle being out here all night?" The worry in her voice showed as it did with her golden brown eyes.

I nodded, "yes don't worry. Thank you so much for the ride."

"You're very welcome dear. Have a safe trip okay? Take it easy" I smiled and got off the bus.

"Will do ma'am, you be safe as well." She sat back down to her seat and waved at me as she drove away. I watched the bus disappear and I decided to keep walking.

Without knowing where I was going, I walked passed the woods. I stopped and raised an eyebrow as I looked around. I cursed at myself silently, "should've asked her where a nearby hotel was." I gave a sigh and kept thinking until I heard growling.

I furrowed my eyebrows and narrowed my eyes, following where the noise was coming from. Next thing you knew, two huge brown and black werewolves surrounded a girl who looked more angry than scared.

"Werewolves." I whispered.

The black werewolf seemed to have heard me and began to look straight into my eyes with a growl. The girl caught its attention and began to look at me too. I just stood there giving a blankly stare as I watch the black werewolf slowly walking towards me. Before it could get more closer, the girl started to tackle it right away. The girl began to punch the werewolf making it whimper. I then looked at the brown one and he was gonna go towards me, but hearing it's friend just made him chose the girl.

I've gotta say, just watching her is pretty interesting. I was just relaxing, watching her fight and she is one hell of a fighter. But it didn't last, I slowly took out my pistol. Before she starts screaming, I sighed and shot both of the werewolves twice. They began to shift into their human form, to see two naked men. They both looked as if they were in their 30's or maybe 40's. But for sure, they were no longer breathing so I put back my pistol into the bag. The girl stared at me with a mix of shock and confusion. I looked back at her, "you alright?" I asked.

She stood up and walked towards me with speed, wrapping her hand around my neck. "You're a hunter." She said as I stared into her brown eyes, turning into the shade of black.

I didn't flinch as her grip tightened around my neck. I kneed her on her stomach as she let go of my neck, I then grabbed her arm, twisting it behind her back as I pinned her to the ground. She started whimpering from the pressure I was giving. "And you're a werewolf. But hey we always have to be violent towards each other right?" I said sarcastically.

She growled at me as I felt her body vibrate, "don't you dare shift. You should be lucky you're still alive. Plus I'm not here to cause a fight." I released my grip, letting her go.

She turned to face me and eyed me up and down with disgust, "I didn't need your help."

"Well you got it anyways. Who knows, more werewolves would've came and probably tore you up by now or tortured you. I'm guessing you passed their territory and whoever you are pissed them off." I shrugged as I saw her face softened.

"Thank you.." She mumbled, "but why didn't you do it?"

I raised an eyebrow, "do what?"

"Why didn't you kill me.? You knew what I was and killed them, but not me. Why?" She whispered enough for me to hear.

"I'm not that type of hunter you know. I don't just go on a killing spree with werewolves."

She looked down at her hands and then her eyes shot up, "we should go there's more on the way." She grabbed me by the hand and quickly said, "go on my back."

Before I could say anything she shifted into this light caramel brown form. She looked at her back and I hesitated at first, but went on it anyways. She ran as fast as she could and I looked back, to see four men surrounding the two dead bodies, but before I could see any of their faces we went deeper into the woods.

'I wonder if she's alone? A rogue? Or maybe she has a pack, just decided to go out?' I sighed and looked down at her. She looked at me at the corner of her eyes and something about them made feel as though we were connected. Like I've seen her somewhere, just never really knew where.


Hellooooo! I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter! Meeting our first character Jay and some unknown she- wolf :3 you'll find out more about Jay and who the girl is on the next or the next next chapter XD but I promise to fill you guys in with who the characters are, what their like, and what's their story little by little. That's all I have to say for now, have funn. Later dudes! *bro fist* :)

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