Chapter 41

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Steven's POV

I stared at the blue sky that hides behind the white cotton candy as it passes by slowly. It's been the same skies and clouds that kept passing each afternoon, during the morning it's very colorful, but it felt like I've lost sight in colors.. By night, the darkness that shined a little light right through it made it a pretty sight. So simple, yet it was relatable. The stars gives me little hope for her return.

I never really thought she'd leave.. I had many things I've never said to her, so many that I've kept inside.. It's funny how I have a mate who I love, but there's always that one girl I fell for first that no memories can fade and with whom my heart could be for in a second.

I've stayed away from her and be with my mate, but no feelings had changed.. It's wrong, but that's just something I can't help.

"Steven?" A feminine and yet a sort of low voice has interrupted my thought.

I turned my head to the side just a bit, glancing on the person. I never really decided to look further because of the scent she had.

I heard the floor creaking with the steps she took, I on the other hand, stayed silent. I didn't feel the need to speak to anyone. Even though it killed me inside that I'm not speaking to my mate as much as I should, I guess I just never seemed to like the idea of feeling good and she's out there alone..

"Steven.. Can you please talk to me?" She whispered as she stayed beside me.

I stared at the distance and she sighed. She knew why I wasn't talking, but that still never stopped her.

"She'll come back. But you can't keep torturing yourself like this. Everyone here is just as sad as you are. This isn't what Jay would've wanted."

I blinked and snapped my direction at her, "don't you tell me on what Jay would've wanted for me or anyone else. You're in no position to tell me those things."

She scoffed and stared into my eyes, "Steven. Tell me the truth right now just please be honest to me with no lies. Do you-"

"Yes." I answered as she stood there, blinking with pain in her eyes.

I didn't bother waiting for the entire question because I already knew what the exact words are and her knowing it, that will be something I can get off my chest.

"Is that why you can't look at me when she's around? You spend your whole damn topic about asking where Jay is and if I've ever talked to her? You know what. I had a hunch that you love her. But I never thought you'd love her more than you love me. I've given so much for you, am I not enough!?" Tears began to stream down her face, "you know, you've been hurting me for these past couple of months and I never bother telling you because there's already more things happening that I don't wanna add up to. But it just gets so exhausting trying to get your attention.."

I just kept staring at her and took a deep breath, "you're enough don't think you aren't. You're the best mate I've ever had."

"But there's her.." he voices broke as she said those sentences that hurt my heart..

"I don't wanna hurt you Emma. I really don't.. But I still love her and I love you too. I just-"

"You can't choose can you.?"

I stopped looking at her and went back to looking at the distance as I sighed. I didn't feel like looking at her anymore because I know that my feelings are getting the best of me. I'm hurting her with my choices and words, but I'd rather be honest with it now than later..

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