Chapter 79

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Isobel's POV

I've been roaming these woods that calmed my nerves after the incident earlier. Today isn't technically my first day, but it is the first the first day of me getting to know others. Didn't really work out as much as I thought, they're very odd and actually werewolves. It's not like I have a problem with it.

I just have to be careful.

But I seem to have spoken too soon. I heard rustling leaves and snapping little branches or dried leaves around me. I didn't mind it for right now, but by the smell of it, it seemed that there was at least two? Three?

I kept my calm and mind clear for this moment because a cluttered mind brings no good news. I looked at the ground as I walked slowly and measured the distances and what are possible ways I could escape or have a good aim in.

Analyzing my surroundings, I've memorized the measurements and waited for the attack. For one moment, it was silent, but just as I suspected they appeared. One black werewolf with a whitish or gray strip? Brown and another blondish like fur. All circled around me with those eyes glaring at me, nose scrunched showing their sharp white teeth.

I started to go in my defensive position and watching their moves slowly. In my eyes, their actions are slow if I pay very close attention. Just by feeling the air, I felt the brown one making the first attack. Before it could touch me, I jumped up and kicked the back of its head that made him whimper. I landed perfectly and took out a piece of metal stick with a flick.

The black with a strip attacked next and I ended up hitting him in two places, but all just started go for it. It's harder now considering I don't have the rest of my materials and I never expected to actually fight with anyone. But having to actually do this felt great, it's been awhile since I've done the real thing.

Hitting them all one by one in the face had flipped them felt dizzy in a way? But before I can actually hit them to just knock them out and ask questions when they shift, but someone just comes yelling, "stop!"

I turned around to see Pia running, but also having a hard time breathing as her hand was holding her baby bump. I ran towards her and stopped her from running, "whoa whoa what are you doing here? There's werewolves here and you run here?"

"Those- I. Eric." She said breathless. I looked at her and the werewolves as she gave a huge breath.

"They're Eric, Alec, and Kristoffer. They-they wanted to test you." She said.

I put away my metal stick away and looked at the three werewolves. Pia nodded towards them and they went behind a tree and came back out fully clothed.

"You tested me?" I said while I crossed my arms and waited for their response.

"You're not surprised?" Kristoffer asked.

"Angel told me you're all werewolves. She proved it to me by her mate, Dean. I didn't know that was you guys, but I won't apologize since you said you were testing me?"

"We just had too. We had a reason since we know you're a hunter which is obviously proven." Alec stated with a nervous chuckle.

I nodded slowly, "yeah so? Don't tell me you're testing me like who I am as a person because I'm like Jay? I know for a fact she was a hunter, a high level Legacy Hunter who is half werewolf. Again, I've gotten my information from Angel."

"Well we can't-"

"Look you guys, this is what I'm saying. I can't stay here any longer if you're gonna keep having this- this whole am I Jay thing. I'm not her. I'm really not." I said defensively with a sigh.

"How are you so sure? You probably just had a memory loss. You can't look exactly like someone and be exactly like someone too." Kristoffer stated.

"What? Are you crazy?? I've always been here in Vermont. Ever since I was born. I remember growing up here with my own family and my siblings okay? I've never had any memory loss."

"No no listen. Jay could talk to the Moon Goddess. She brought Kristoffer back to life by giving her life to him after he got shot straight in the heart. There's just so many possibilities and we just might've felt like this would be one of the possibilities of you- I mean Jay being given a second chance to be alive by the Moon Goddess."

I sighed, "if I let you do the tests to prove I'm not Jay, would you let me leave?"

Pia shook her head, "no. I mean you'd still babysit because Janine and Eric will be leaving soon. It's too late to ask some other babysitter, but don't worry I'll be here to help you."

"Never mind. You don't have to. I'll do everything. So just relax okay? You also have a baby and I don't want anything to happen to both of you."

"That's settled then! But wow you fought good." Eric said with a smile and walked next to Pia and I.

"Mom forced me to practiced every day and night at an early age." I shrugged while I noticed Kristoffer looking at me oddly.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I questioned raising an eyebrow at him.

"Since we're talking about you know, things? I also have to say something.."

Eric looked at the both of us and tapped on my arm and gestures over towards Pia while they both walked away from both of us with Alec with them. Kristoffer made me stay with him while the rest went ahead, it was sort of awkward, but I don't know what he wanted.

"What are doing here?"

He started scratching his head and looked a bit troubled, but took a deep breath. "Would you like to go out sometimes?"

I furrowed both of my eyebrows together and tried to process what he just said, but I still kept quiet that made him even more nervous.

"Do you.?" He asked hesitantly this time.

"You just met me."

"I know, but what's wrong with getting to know you while we're on our date." He started rocking back and forth and cleared his throat, avoiding eye contacts.

I eyed him up and down then narrowed my eyes together, "this better be a normal date. No testing me though."

His face lit up and nodded, "of course. No testing."

It did made me smile just a bit, that was actually really cute.. "Good."

"Um question?" I asked while looking at him and he nodded at me.


"She brought you back to life?"

He nodded slowly, "yeah she did."

"Do you are if I ask she did what she did?"

"No. I don't mind, I mean I never really knew the reasons why, but to me I feel that she's putting someone else before her. Before, we'd always risk our life for her and there's this one guy who was her close friend, Hunter was his name and he sacrificed his life to save her. All of us almost died protecting her and she felt that she wanted to do the same and after I died it seemed that she wanted me to live more. I wasn't sure if she was tired with her life, tired of seeing us hurt or something. But she just wanted to save someone else instead of the other way around. But that's just what I think." He gave a small chuckle while he looked up at the sky.

"Do you miss her?"

He nodded his head and whispered, "a lot."

I patted the back of his shoulder and smiled at him. He looked back at me and did the same, "she'll be okay. I'm pretty sure she misses you too."

He chuckled, "I hope so. If you're wondering what we are, she's my mate. Use to be my mate, but um kind of a different now."

He looked at me with that look just like how they would in the movies. I narrowed my eyes and tilted my head a bit to the side, "what do you mean?"

"This might be slightly weird for you since I'm pretty sure you don't know any of this since you're human and uh not a werewolf, but you're my mate."

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