Chapter 49

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- 3 Days Later -

Eric's POV

The whole vacation was very relaxing and more happier than it was just a few days ago. Jay actually came to join us just yesterday, I wasn't sure what they've done for her to be stuck in the room for a really long while, but now she's a bit better. Just a bit. She was still limping from walking certain parts, but it's all going well.

But I had worried about her actually being pregnant. It's a 50/50 possibility, first time and no pull outs? It's certain to actually get pregnant.. But what could I do if she does? It'll be her choice for it to be her own life to live. I'm part of her life, but I'm not part of who she is as a person.

"Hey Ric. What's with Kris over there?" Alec had gone close to me as he whispered, nodding his head in Kristoffer's direction.

I furrowed both my eyebrows together and looked behind me to see Kristoffer in the corner. His hands inside his pants pocket with the expression of deep thinking, but his hand. It kept moving and it wasn't flat and relaxed. What was he holding?

"I'll check it out. Where's my sister?" I questioned.

He pointed to his right and I looked at to where he was pointing at. She was near the shore, I glanced at Kristoffer who watched Jay in the distance as she laughed and smiled, playing with Angel and Dean. They were building a sandcastle in different kinds of way, even doing some mermaid tails on Dean. I've always thought that Kristoffer would've been happy seeing her happy, but what's with him?

"Alright, wanna come with?" I asked.

"Yeah." He answered as we decided to walk towards him now.

As we got close to him, his focus was still on her. Always on her, but never with us. Not even a flinch or a glance. I looked at Alec as he stared back at me, feeling the confusion I feel.

"Kris? You okay?" Alec started off as he slowly looked at us, confused.

"Yes. Sorry I was just..." He trailed off and from the looks of it, he's losing his thoughts to a simple question. Like it was impossible to answer it.

"What's wrong??" I asked again.

He looked at both Alec and I. He sighed and nodded his head a bit to the side as a sign of wanting us to follow him. We did, but was this an emergency?

'What's with him? Did something bad happen? Or is Jay back to that lost phase??' Alec questioned through mind-link.

'I'm not sure? Jay looked fine, perhaps something happened?' I replied.

As soon as Alec was about to answer by how his mouth opening a little to speak, Kristoffer had stopped his track and faced us.

"Kris, what the hell is this all a-" I was cut off with Kristoffer tanking out a small wooden box.

I raised an eyebrow.

"What's that?" Alec tilted his head and walked towards it.

Kristoffer opened the wooden box to reveal such a simple, yet a unique ring. It was twisted all around it and in the center laid a very light clear blue with a design of a sunburst inside. The things that held the gemstone together was a line shaped into a crescent Moon. The stone, it looked glowing.? I'm not sure if I'm just hallucinating, but the inside of it was sort of majestic looking where it looked alive..

"Is this for Jay?? Are you proposing to her already?!" Alec questioned in a whispered voice, sounding almost excited about it.

Kristoffer shook his head, "n-no.. It's a promise ring. Angel gave this to me after she handed her and Deans' present they made for Jay. The ones with a bunch of pictures and two poetry books. This.. This was the only thing Jay never got to see. Angel hugged me in front of her and slipped this through. She said 'granny' gave it. Not really sure who 'granny' is." He said as I looked at Angel who was on Jay's lap, counting her fingers while Dean was on the ground pretending to be a sand mermaid.

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