Chapter 58

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- Minutes Earlier -

Hunter's POV

I stayed down the basement with Kristoffer who was chained up in the corner while I was fixing the broken wooden tables and glass. Having an adult tantrum is worst especially if you're not a human. But it was horrifying to know how angry Kristoffer could get. Now I know not to mess with him in the future.

"Get these silver burning chain off me." He growled as I looked at him with a sigh.

"I'd rather let you suffer than I. I'm pretty sure once I get those chains off you, you'll kill me and I don't wanna die just yet." I said as he glared at me and tried moving forward by force, but the chains that was wrapped around his body made it harder for him to escape.

I sighed and shook my head, continuing to work. I kept picking up pieces of broken glass and woods carefully until one person had decided to come down the basement.

"Hey, I need some silver knives. Eli said there's some here." Christian said as he looked around.

"What for?" I questioned.

He went close to the cabinet and opened it, fiddling around until he had found the knife he was looking for. As I patiently waited for an answer, I stood in place watching him. I cleared my throat that made him face me with an apologetic smile.

"Ah.. Sorry. I just need weapons in order to fight. It seems like there's more than one person considering they stole or kidnapped or whatever you prefer some two children? I believe?" He mumbled while an eyebrow of mine has risen.

"Two kids? Angel and Dean??" I questioned as he shrugged.

"I think? All I know is that there's kids stolen so.." He mumbled that made me think.

"I need to go upstairs to know what's going on." I said as I was about to leave, Christian put his hand on my chest that stopped me.

"You need to watch him. If he escapes, we'll have more problems going on. Not only we'll have to find those two children, but we also have to deal with chasing him for trying to kill or bite or something to Jay."

"One of those kids is my baby brother. My little brother who hasn't been into this sort of situation."

"I get that Hunter. I do. But if you leave, someone else's life will be endangered here. Probably more. We're gonna do what we can to save those kids no matter what it takes. You just gotta trust us that we'll do just that. We have a lead already so chill."

I growled at him and he just looked at me with narrowed eyes as if, testing him was something that I wasn't allowed to do. Supposedly. But I just scoffed and shook my head before walking away. The disappointment I feel for all of them. Not letting me fight for my little brother was a sin I've made. It was the only thing I've ever prayed for the Moon Goddess and I've been protecting him ever since he was a baby from the little things that the big problems was something I can't even handle..

Being kidnapped by strangers was something I never thought he'd be a part of. The bad part about is that I know he's in danger, but I'm here not doing anything.. This. This was the first sin I've had when it comes to protecting those I love. But I'm failing after one person has said to stay.

'Hunter?' I blinked and thought I was going crazy. 

'Look up you idiot.' She said as I looked up and saw Jay just laying there.

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