Chapter 9

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-- 5 Days Later --

Alec's POV

I was in the couch relaxing after having to work out with the rest of the guys for the past 5 days. I've been sore, for the hard work outs we've been doing.

100 sit ups, push ups, pull ups, lunges, squats, trying to run to beat the last time we got, and etc. This is how our warm ups always has to go before we end up having to wrestle. It was bad at first, but that's until it happens everyday for the past 5 days.

The only good side about those 5 days was how much we've learned about Jay. She's even taught us her ways in learning how to be a hunter by telling us the secrets on how to kill werewolves quickly.

Using informations that she has learned from other hunters that she's passed by during her time roaming around. With using wolfsbane liquid to put in bullets, silver knives and daggers, and even putting wolfsbane in their own drinks.

Everyone was thankful with sharing them for us to be prepared, but also seemed to be accepting her fully and finally having to be comfortable with her. Even me.

I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply and exhaled.

"Hi sweetie!" I hear Pia announced and sat next to me with a hug.

I grunted and hugged her back, "hey there cutie"

"Aww still sore?"

I nodded and looked at her in the eyes, she felt sad, but she kissed me on the lips and I returned one back. I pulled away.

"Why aren't you with the J's?" I asked.

She raised an eyebrow and stopped hugging me, "the 'J's'?"

I chuckled, "Jay and Janine, they both have a 'J' in their names so I call them 'J's.'"

She giggled, "silly you. Well they're resting since I made them work out in the room. They're awake though, just lazy to go down."

"Ah." I nodded slowly and turned my body to face her, "I see, that must've been fun for them. But I forgot to tell you that Joey's coming back in two days or if they're lucky maybe tomorrow. But he has guests coming with him."


"He's coming with an Alpha named Kristoffer Logan and his two best men. Mason Carter and Noah Green from the Gray Eclipse Pack. They agreed to be one of our allies."

She nodded, "really? Wait aren't they one of THE most powerful packs in Oregon?"

"Yes, but now they'll have to see what it's like here in Nevada. But main the point is, once everything has been talked about and everyone agrees, they'll be staying here. If not then we'll find more allies, we could use more lads in this place. The guests rooms upstairs are empty and I'll be happy if it's all packed. It'd be a good change and it's better for the pack."

"It is, but how are we so sure that they won't betray us?" She held my hand and I saw the worry in her eyes.

I caressed her cheeks and gave a comforting smile, "if they do then they'll pay the price. They maybe the most powerful pack, but we'll do our best to fight and defend each other because we're family. I've also met the pack when I was just a child, they're good people. I promise you that okay?"

She sighed and nodded. I kissed her on the lips and gave her a tight hug. We stayed like that for a couple minutes until Janine and Jay went downstairs.

"Oh hi, sorry to interrupt something, but Ric wants us all to be in his office. He has something to discuss with all of us." Jay said.

I nodded and stood up with Pia. We walked towards them and Janine and Pia began to lock arms, heading in first. As soon as they left, Jay and I were left alone walking to Eric's office.

I cleared my throat and stopped us from walking, "Jay can we talk?"

She looked at me with no expression and nodded.

"Look, I know this is late, but I just wanted to say that.. I'm really sorry for acting like an ass when we first met. I just didn't know you and you were a hunter-"

"Don't apologize Alec. It's fine." She gave a smile.

"But I was so hard on you and you didn't deserve me being an ass.." I mumbled.

"I knew why you did it. You were just over protective, it's your family. I get it, don't apologize for wanting to protect those you love. I promise you it's fine. We're both okay. Truce?" She gave a comforting smile and reached her hand out for me to shake.

I shook her hand and nodded with a smile back, "truce."

She smiled widely and we continued back to walk towards Eric's office. I opened the door and let Jay in first, but as soon as I went inside, everyone's faces were serious. It was very awkward, but how long have we been out there for?

"Hey, what's going on?" I questioned going towards the front of the table, across from Eric.

"Turns out they already agreed by the rules and have no issues toward it. So they're gonna be here tonight." He informed and held onto the bridge of his nose.

"Well that's good, what's wrong with that?"

"Nothing really, they agreed so quickly. Just felt relieved, but we're gonna have some fun with them tomorrow. In the afternoon we're all gonna work out one last time with them participating, but this time we're gonna wrestle them and then for the reward we've been doing, working out and they're day being spent here with us, we're gonna throw a party tomorrow night."

The boys and the two girls cheered with huge smiles in their faces, but I looked at Jay and thought.

"Wait. What are we gonna do with Jay? They'll sense a human in this house." I asked and everyone went silent, looking at Jay.

"I talked to Joey about the situation. He told them about her being a hunter, but also for being my little sister while he was telling them about the rules. They were hesitant at first, but they agreed knowing I wanted to be honest with their Alpha and their pack. They were all intrigued with Jay and would like to meet her."

I nodded my head slowly and looked at Jay, as she looked uncomfortable with the fact all werewolves from the Gray Eclipse Pack wanted to meet her.

She was just silent, trying to accept it for the good of our pack. She was very supportive even if she knew that it was risky for her own life.

"While they're here, I'll guard her." Steven said out loud and Eric looked at him.

"When the Gray Eclipse Pack comes here, I'll always be by her side protecting her and to always keep her safe." He was serious, Eric had a weird expression like he was trying to figure something out.

Even Jay was surprised with the fact that he volunteered to be the one to protect her.

Eric stood up and walked to Steven as they went face to face, "do you promise to do that at all times for my little sisters safety by risking your life to protect her?"

He nodded, "you have my word."

"Good. As much as her life is on the line by her being a hunter in our house, I'm glad to have count on you with keeping her safe by putting your life on the line with hers. But we'll be here to protect you and each other. That's my promise."

Everyone was in awe and was all agreeing towards the protection for Jay and for each other. We all gave a group hug and Steven brought Jay in for her not to feel left out and for her to know she's part of this pack. She's no longer a stranger to all of us. She was part of this family and for that.. She's no longer a dangerous huntress in our eyes.

She's only known as our Alpha's little huntress sister.


Hellllooooo guys! Finally! The whole pack had accept Jay as a part of their own family and pack! She is still a hunter in her own good benefits, but her ways of helping them and proving her own worth towards the pack had most likely given their respect and trust towards her! :)

Again thank you guys for the support, reading, commenting, and voting (some following) I very much appreciate it.
- J.C.

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