Chapter 76

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- First Day -

Isobel's POV

I began to make my way towards the address Janine had sent me. It was a huge house, the outdoors are such a nice view and it was also a quiet place. It was pretty unique considering this family was the first to ever live in the woods while the other neighbors live in another place where it's more filled with people rather than nature.

People aren't really close with nature, but this is a good change.

Even though I was close to even reaching their doorbell, the door had opened. I came to see a very attractive man, "uh hi. I'm Iso-"

"Isobel Rivera? The babysitter my friend hired?" He cut me off with a smile that I could see his pearly white teeth.

I nodded silently, "nice to meet you. I'm Alec Johnson. Please come in."

He opened the door wide open and I stepped in having this very strong scent of some ocean like breeze. Perfume or something, but it was very strong. I was about to continue to walk a little more, but Alec had stopped me from walking to tell me I had to take off my shoes and set it off the side. I apologized and politely took my shoes before examining the very nice house they had.

I admired it so much. No house ever looked like it before.

"So you like kids huh?" He questioned as he shoves his hands on his pocket.

"Uh yes sir."

"What made you like them?"

I shrugged, "they're just easy to talk to I suppose. They're very fun to be with and I learn a lot of new things that I don't necessarily learn from adults."

He chuckled, "really? Give me an example?"

I thought for a split moment, "hm well. I've never really liked drawing or painting before because I've always thought it was messy. But one of my cousins who was only six and I was thirteen at that time painted something that no one could even know what it was. It looked like a huge splash of colors that were thrown rather than painted on. I had no clue on what it was suppose to be, look, or what it even meant until she explained that even though a persons life could be a mess, there's always a beauty in everything. She'd always keep drawing and painting and each time she did, I would always had to know what it meant or give an idea whether or not I was right or wrong. She taught me that whatever a person thinks of the painting or drawing is what a person would mostly feel. So it was reflective."

He gave a very amused expression before saying, "wise kid."

"I suppose. Children don't usually know what they do most of the time which makes them brave and even fearless." I smiled.

"Very true. My wife and I are actually having a baby in a couple of months." He smiled excitedly that I laughed at his reaction.

"Congratulations, it must be exciting." I smiled and all he did was look at my face. He noticed that I saw his stare and looked away.

"I'm sorry for staring. You just reminded me of someone I use to know." He gave a faint smile, but it was also obvious that there was more to it.

"Oh? Who would that be if you don't mind me asking?"

He looked at me and guided me towards the living room couch. I sat down and so did he, but he looked at the wooden table first before speaking, "her name was Jay. She was the most complicated, but she's pretty and a talented girl you'll ever meet. Wise even. She made a huge impact on all of us, but she passed away two years ago."

I could hear the sadness in his voice, it's weird knowing how I felt sad just by hearing his words even if it wasn't much or not that depressing. "Oh, I'm very sorry for your loss."

"It's okay. But no offense, I don't see the reason for why they'd take you in as a babysitter. It's like a stupid mistake."

I raised an eyebrow hearing that. "Pardon me?"

"It's hard to explain. But here." He stretched his leg straight and dug into his left pocket to take out his wallet. He opened it and looked at something for a moment before handing it towards me, "that's Jay."

I looked down at the person named Jay to see that she looked exactly like..

"She looks too much like you. Opposite personalities since you're more nicer and not stubborn. Well I hope not, but you see now."

I nodded slowly, "why does she look like me?" I questioned almost in fear.

"We're not sure. We've been trying to talk it out, but I thought they were crazy until today. Seeing you myself was weird.. I really was surprised. You're exactly like her, same height, facial structures, just the same person. Doppelgänger or whatever. Same age from what they've told me, but I hope you're not too weirded out."

I handed back the wallet before clearing my throat. "No worries. That's a bit scary, but how did she pass away?"

When Alec was about to answer someone had interrupted us, "Alec is the babysitter here yet?"

I turned my head to see another man. Also very attractive. The other two I met the other day during my work hours were also attractive and Janine, there's a lot of people in this house that has good genes.

He looked at me with both eyebrows down and his eyes looking straight into mine. His eyes were really pretty?

"Isobel! Meet Steven, Steve if you call him without the 'n', but yeah! Steven meet the babysitter Isobel. She's very nice and not stubborn. Completely a different person." Alec said quickly as Steven kept staring at me. "Why don't we go upstairs yeah? See Eric and Janine and what they're doing that takes sooo long."

I looked at Alec as he held my arm gently and stood me up from the couch before walking. But all of a sudden we kept walking into random people. I've bumped into a woman who seemed to be in 20's or maybe late 20's or older? She had a long red hair, lots of make-up, nose piercing, red lipstick, and a tattoo on her shoulder.

"Oh I'm sorry. Didn't see you. Are you here to take care of annoying children?" She questioned while her eyes looked down on me and slowly went up.

"Oh are you one of them? I'm Isobel nice to meet you!" I smiled widely as she glared at me and rolled her eyes.

"Baby lets go. I hate it here." She pouted like a spoiled brat. I hate girls like her. Drama seemed to be written all over her. And I actually thought she was cute.

"If you hate it here then you can clearly leave you know. We all don't like you either and you being here also sucks, but Steven come on. Do better than this, this thing you call a fiancé." Alec said with greeted teeth.

Steven said nothing, but kept looking at me still. I just ignored his stare and tugged onto Alec's arm as he noticed how uncomfortable I am with his stare, but also me not liking the woman next to him. He gave an apologetic look before just leaving them both behind.

"Sorry about that. We don't necessarily like Audrey all that much. I liked the whole babysitting part, you look nice and all, but man you've got some attitude." He laughed.

I shrugged, "I don't like people being so rude to other people who are nice. Children aren't always annoying, but at the same time I don't know how many kids you do have here. It was just rude."

"We have three. One is Angel, Dean, and baby Trevor. It will be four, but that won't be for awhile. I do respect you for that." He smiled.

I nodded with a smile back, "was she the little girl on the picture too? Next to Jay and all of you?"

"Yes. We're gonna talk to you about somethings before you do babysit alone."

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