Chapter 80

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Kristoffer's POV

I was glad the three left us to be alone, but I do know they're hearing this stuff. They're walking slower and slower every time they go farther. They probably wanted to hear my rejection, but it doesn't seem to be happening. At least not yet?

"Pardon me?" She said with her full body facing me now as her face was written with surprise.

"Mate? Like soul mate?" I actually don't know whether or not she knows because she is a hunter who might've been taught everything or either enough to actually have some knowledge. But so far she hasn't acted badly towards us? Or to anything actually, except for the test, but that doesn't count.

"No no I know what they are and what your guys motto is, but mate?? I don't know what your game is pal, but I'm not Jay for you to call me your mate. I mean unless Jay was actually your mate and stuff." She muttered and looked at something else thinking it. It's funny how she looks and thinks the same way as her.

"No. There was this thing that happened before. A vision, they showed me something in the future and I didn't know who it was, but it was so similar to Jay. Just as soon as I was about to see the face, that's when it was all gone. What you did after your fight with some friend of yours, you did the exact same thing that you did except this time I saw your face. I've been smelling your scent I just never realized it because I was still caught up in everything else." I explained and it was all true. I never actually thought of anything else because what was I suppose to think? Second mates never really happens, it's a rare sort of manner in our werewolf life. Not many people gets a second chance.

"I better not be your rebound or some toy you can play with. In my opinion this is sort of sick considering I look like your ex mate, but not only that, I became your mate. Fate or destiny and all that is twisting your mind, they like hurting you and the others don't they?"

I shrugged thinking it seemed about right. "Probably. But I wouldn't complain because not every werewolf in their lifetime gets a second chance of mate. But you're not a rebound. I'm not saying that because you look like Jay and I won't treat you the same way I did her, but she just probably wanted me to be happy. Even she probably doesn't know I'll be with someone who looked like you. All she knew was that I was probably given someone else who wasn't her. You may look like Jay and maybe even sometimes act like her, but you're not her."

She looked at me to see if I might've been telling the truth. She had a stern face, but I've always did wonder now if Jay even knew who I was fated with. Second chance in mate and we'll see about love could've been a sign that Jay wasn't meant for me.. I wonder how she's doing with Hunter?

"We should start our date now. I wanna get to know you and Jay, I'm curious about things if that's fine with you?"

I looked into her brown eyes and blinked several times that caught me off guard, "oh um sure."

"Tell me crazy stuff since your life seems to be filled with crazy adventures." She smiled that showed her pearly white teeth, it's different, but it fits her.

"Hm I've talked to her and Hunter?"

"After their death??"

"Yeah. They could probably hear us now, but if they're listening I know that Hunter fell for Jay. I was actually thinking about that right before you were giving me that stern look. I was wondering if Jay wasn't at all meant for me? I mean before she passed, she was never entirely with me. There are sometimes where she is, but most of the time it's a whole different story. Although, having to hear Hunter's confession about Jay, I guess they were made for each other in a human way? At least now even if I don't get to see her after I pass, I just hope Hunter actually made a move now so that he could be happy. I hope Jay would be too." Before I could speak any longer, the wind blew hard and some stick branch hit my face. I laughed and looked up at the sky. 

"Hunter I know that's you. You are eavesdropping! Jay if you're hearing this he likes you okay? I'm sorry if I might not go to you after I pass because right now I have to make someone else happy you know? I want you to be happy now instead of waiting for me. I still love you though. But you deserve whatever happiness and adventures you receive. Just don't wait for me okay?" I said as the wind blew calmer and gentler. But one wind blew harshly that made me bump into Isobel and she gave me a certain look as if I was crazy.

"I'm guessing the ones controlling Mother Nature now is Hunter and Jay?" She said with a little chuckle.

I nodded, "probably. It's something that they'll do. Even if they're gone, they still know how to shut you up sometimes." She laughed and I smiled. I've never really particularly seen her smile or laugh at all in that way when it came to me. The first meeting was awkward because I hugged her and called her by a name that wasn't hers. Right now it felt good to do something right.

"You should say hi to them." I recommended and she was hesitant at first, but did it anyways.

"Um hi Hunter and Jay. I'm Isobel. I've heard some stuff about Jay, but not so much about Hunter. But uh I'm sorry if I did anything wrong and I just hope that you're both happy to where you are now." She kept looking up at the sky to search for a sign that was given to me, but it was silent.

She looked at me and looked like a little girl who got in trouble, but little did she know, tiny drops of water started to fall from the sky. She looked up and let the rain fall on her face and she looked very calm, happy. Usually rain always meant Jay was sad and I hope she wasn't..

I looked around to feel the wind hitting us gently and flowers started to come together. "Looks like you've gotten many signs." I chuckled.

She looked at me with a gentle smile before closing her eyes and let herself be devoured by the rain. One specific flower was falling in front of my face, it was a larkspur? To my surprise, it looked fresh as if it just bloomed recently. It was all a light and yet vibrant, I touched it and analyzed the beautiful flower and looked at Isobel.

"Hey Isobel, here's-"

"A larkspur! I've always loved these one especially this color!" She said excitedly as she looked at it. My eyes looked up at the sky and went back to her.

I smiled at Isobel's excitement over a single flower. "It's for you. I found it while the wind was blowing. Looks like they like you."

I handed it to her and she took it, smelling it. The rain stopped and a rainbow had creeped happily above us.  It was a good day and seeing her happy was great, but they were also happy. It's great to still know they're watching over us, but it's even greater now to know I have someone that I could possibly be with. Even after knowing we were werewolves- she accepted it.

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