Chapter 64

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- A week passed -

Jay's POV

It's been a long time ever since I've gotten out of this room during day time. Sometimes, Steven and hunter would go out of the boundaries and sneak me outside to feel a bit more freedom rather than being held captive. They were nice enough, but having to do that might just have get them in trouble in a certain level where it's not good.

But now, today was the day. Eli had given the news and had filled me in about Kristoffer's kidnapping mishaps. I never thought Levi would've came back after Eric and Eli being ever so clear about his death sentence. From what it looks, dying doesn't seem to be a problem. But now it's all different. I wouldn't say it's good, but I wouldn't say it's bad either.

I even had communicated with Jacob, Angels brother who stays in the basement with no complaints. I've visited him once, Angel visits him everyday. Sometimes she spends the night with Dean. Hunter though is getting to know him whenever he's free. Even though, he would listen to Angel talking about what went on with her life and so far she's been stable. Having to be a child wasn't really hard for her. She's too wise to realize things, too mature minded.

Kristoffer is the one person I haven't seen. It sucks, but it's a must. There's not one time in this world where I don't think of him, but I hope he's okay.

"Jaayyy" Someone called out.

I looked at the door with crossed arms and saw three heads popping in.

"Hunt, Angel, Dean, you may come in." I chuckled and leaned against the wall.

"Mommy!" Angel yelled and ran towards me with a jump. I caught her either way for her not to fall.

"Hi baby. How's your brother?" I asked.

"He's awesome! He's helping us with what he knows!" She said excitedly.

"That's good to know," I laughed.

"You excited for tonight??" Hunter began to ask and I shrugged not knowing how to answer.

I set Angel down and walked over to Hunter, "I wouldn't know. I just hope we all do well and none of you gets hurt."

He gave me a slight punch on the arm with a reassuring smile, "of course we'll win."

I smiled back and gave a slight punch back towards him that made him move and fall. My mouth created an 'o' shape and helped him up while the two laughed. He gave me a funny look as soon as he got up and I awkwardly scratched the back of my head and just stayed quiet.


"You read to get out of this room?" Hunter questioned while Steven entered.

I bit my inner lip and shook my head, "no not really. As much as I'm sick of seeing the same things, I don't feel like being outside."

"How?" Steven asked.

"Both are bad. Here, I'm like shunned from the outside world and could only communicate to the max of 3 people plus the two kids. Then outside, it's war."

"But Jay, that's our freedom. We're fighting for our peace and freedom. Don't you want that?" Steven said.

"I do. But tell me. Before I entered your lives, how many wars have you fought?" I questioned. This made Steven and Hunter glance at one another.

"Well.. Not wars, but we've been into fight with rogues and all. Just not humans or hunters or Legacy Hunters?" Steven answered.

I chuckled. Hunter crosses his arms, "what about you? Any fights or wars like this?"

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