Chapter 22

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Jay's POV

I looked at the three bodies that fell and the three bodies that were standing. I gave a smile as they looked at me with shock.

"What the fucking hell Jay! You scared the shit out of us. What was that for!?" Eric yelled and looked at the bodies on the floor.

"Calm down, I told you. I use my own bullets. They used the chloroform bullets, they're not dead. They're breathing, but they're asleep. Plus those on the floor are new in comers." I shrugged and hid my pocket knife on the back of my pants.

"I thought you were gonna kill us.." Kristoffer whispered as he ran to me with a hug.

"I will never do that.." I gave a hug back, but I pulled away, "but there's people you should meet.." I looked at the hunters behind me as they put their guns down and looked at the four of us.

"Hi, were Jay's second family." The guy with the dirty blonde, gelled spiked up hair, green eyes, and with a kind smile spoke.

"Second family?" Steven asked as he came close to me with a hug, going in between Kristoffer and I.

"Yeah, we all met at a fosters home. Jay was our savior at that time.. We never forgot her and we kept in touch. She helped us when we needed someone most. Ever since then we've become a family of our own. Thanks to her."

I laughed, "and that's my most kissed up friend, Levi."

He laughed and stepped forward, bowing his head, "Alphas, Third in command. It's nice to meet you all."

I smiled and looked around, "take the bodies now. We're going inside the basement. I'll introduce the rest inside." I informed as I watched my friends carry the three bodies.

"Jay! Jay!" A tiny voice yelled out loud. I looked behind me to see a little girl. I looked at the hunters as they smiled at me and I looked back at the little girl with light brown hair that's tied in a piggy tail, as she ran towards me in a hug.

She hugged my legs, but instead I decided to carry her as I kept walking, "hey there my little angel. You've gotten so big." I kissed her cheek as she giggled.

"I'm 5 now!" She put up four fingers and noticed it, flicking her thumb up making a five. I laughed at her silliness.

"That's good! You're growing up to be such a beautiful person." I kissed her on the cheek again and fully went inside.

"You look the same." She touched my face and I gave a small smile.

"Not entirely.." I trailed off and she gave a me a look, "do you wanna meet my other family?" I asked changing the subject.

"Yes!" She cheered and I set her down on the couch as she bounced on it with her butt. She was a very energetic child, I have missed so much with her growing up..

Everyone was now inside and tied the three new hunters hands and feet together, leaving them on the floor. They sat down on the couch and looked around the place amused, "what a lovely home.." A girl with violet dyed hair, Emma, complimented.

"Thank you Emma." I smiled as I watched Eric, Steven, and Kristoffer silently sending death glares at the hunters.

I sighed, "Eric, Steven, and Kristoffer. Meet Levi the leader of the group, Julian the trainer, Andrew the bullet maker, Landon the gun trainer, Owen the plan maker. Owen memorizes the place quickly and can figure out where things are, but these are our girls Emma she's our um actor of seduction hah, Jessica, Jess for short is our chef, Deanne is our hacker genius, Irvine our master in disguise. Both her and Emma knows how to manipulate people, but Irvine makes our fake ID's when we need it. Lastly, this little girl is Angel. The baby of the group." I chuckled as they all smiled.

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