Chapter 5

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Jay's POV

I stood there while he hugged me. I felt scared, happy, and even sad. I couldn't even move, I was just stuck there like a mannequin, I don't know what will happened if I moved. I was just so surprised, feeling his hug felt nice, safe, and he was very warm.

He pulled away and held onto my arms, he stared at my face and seemed to look for any signs.

But I could tell he found none. Everyone was just silent, but I never dared to look at them. I blinked many times and cleared my throat as I backed away a bit, letting his hands fall onto his sides.

"We'll give you two a moment. Right guys?" Steven said while the rest nodded and stood up, "right. Good, well let's head in the kitchen! Sofia will make us some 3 o' clock in the morning dinner!" I looked at him and he looked back at me with a nod and a comforting smile that I returned back for a second.

As soon as they disappeared, going into the kitchen. I looked at him again and this time he looked a bit hurt, "do- do you not know who I am?" He asked pointing at himself.

I sighed, "I still do Eric. I just didn't expect to see you now. I was just surprised, I'm sorry if I don't seem excited, but at the same time.. It's been a long time.."

He scoffed and nodded, "well yeah. You've been gone for 8 years Jay. 8 years! We've been looking for you for soo many years! Hell some of our family thought you were dead, they decided to stop looking after 4 years.. Mom and dad kept blaming themselves, they still mourn for you. But I don't know now because I haven't been visiting them.."

I felt disappointed, "they shouldn't blame themselves, I left a note. I had a reason on why I left. I can't believe you all looked for me.." I whispered and sat on the couch, covering my face.

"I still was." He trailed off and sat next to me on the couch, "I didn't care if they thought you were dead. If you were dead, I would've wanted to see it for myself. In the end,I did think of you that way because everyone just kept talking about it.. Part of me still hoped you were alive and here you are."

I gave him a sad look, but covered it up with a small smile, "You didn't even have to do that. I'm okay. But it's really great seeing you again Eric. God, I missed you so much."

I pulled him into a hug that surprised him. He was frozen for a second, but gave in. I was honestly happy now, for the first time I was actually happy.

It's been so long since I've even had any company like this or even relaxed. It was a good feeling of not always working, I mean being with my brother again, knowing he's safe and well is just what I need. I just hope the rest of my family will forgive me for what I did.

"I missed you so much too." He mumbled through my neck and pulled away quickly, "oh! You should meet my mate!"

"You found a mate?"

He nodded excitedly and smiled like how a kid would act when getting a candy he wanted. He stood up and so did I, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and lead us to the kitchen.

When we entered, everyone was in the middle of eating joyfully.

"Care to join?" The guy with gray hair from earlier asked and I've gotta say, he wasn't that bad looking at all. He was tall seemed to be around 5'9, very fit, beautiful smile, and his eyes are just these amazing dark golden eyes. It's just amazing looking from here.

"Jay?" Someone said snapping his finger in my face. I shook my head and stared at the guy to see Steven. He looked at me confused and I felt like I was the confused one.

"I've been saying your name for like the 10th time. Why are you looking at him like that?" He asked as if sounding jealous?

"You have? Wait I've been what?"

"She's probably enjoying the view" The gray haired chuckled and winked at me.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. The rest of the guys either chuckled or snickered, but I watched as Eric slowly towards him and when he was in the middle of drinking his water, Eric elbowed his head and he spilled the drink on himself. I choked on my laugh and covered mouth.

"Don't talk to my sister like that." He growled.

"Your sister? Her?" He pointed at me, "your sister? Really?"

Eric scoffed and tilted his head, "is that hard to believe at all? She looks similar like me?"

"I don't see it? I mean in my defense she's hot and you're.. Well you."

All of us laughed a bit and Eric kept a straight face. It wasn't even 1 second that everyone stopped laughing.

"I'm not technically his actual sister. Not sure if anyone told you, but I'm a hunter and he's a werewolf. But I am his adopted sister."

"And Xander, I am the very overprotective brother. Even if we aren't siblings by blood, but still." I gave a smile at him while the gray haired Xander, was still processing that fact.

I chuckled and watched as Xander stood up going to me, but Steve beats him to it and wraps his arm around my waist.

I straightened my position and looked up at Steve, seeing his flawless jaw tensed up.

'What is happening?'

Eric's POV

It's funny how I just saw my little sister minutes ago and it already felt like home. It's like she's never left at all, she still seemed to be the same. Less quiet and shy, but still the same Jay I knew. I was glad she was safe and alive.

All I need to do while I still have her in my sight is to fill in the blanks on what I've missed with her.

I found myself feeling the weight off my shoulders. I snapped out of my thought and looked up to see Xander going towards Jay, but Steven seemed protective? I decided to study  them for awhile.

"Well, I never seem to have introduced myself. I'm Xander, how you doin?" He gave a smirk and a wink at Jay.

'Ah the famous flirting line. Very smooth Xander' I mind linked him.

'Get off my back grandpa!' He glared and I just chuckled.

Jay nodded her head, "Jay and please don't do that. It just makes me want to punch you."

I looked at Xander who gave a smile and looked down before turning towards his seat and continued eating. While Steven relaxed a bit, but still held onto her waist.

I laughed and applauded at her when she gave a tiny bow. "Good job Jay for being an amazing rejection to a flirt!"

She smiled, as I felt arms wrapped around my waist, "hey there" I smiled and kissed my mate on her forehead.

"Jay this is my mate, Janine. Janine, finally meet my little sister Jay."

"Hi! Nice to finally meet you!" She said excitedly, hugging her tightly, making Steven step aside.

Her face was surprised, but she smiled it off to be respectful. I just smiled at her and she hugged back.

"Eric had always talked about you. We're so glad that you're finally back, safe." She said while still hugging her.

I heard Jay sighed and replied in a quiet voice, "I'm glad to be back.."

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