Chapter 10

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Sofia's POV

As soon as everyone felt good and happy, they all started fixing the place up. The girls and I have finished our part from cooking while the boys cleaned the guests rooms, not leaving any mess behind.

I was actually very proud and for the first time in my life I witnessed the boys do something like this. They are always such a pain, but that's just how I like it.

As Janine went to help out with more cleaning, I saw Jay standing outside talking to Steven. I analyzed the scene very carefully as I saw Steven suddenly holding her hand.

I crossed my arms and kept watching Steven give her a huge hug before going back inside the house.

'Hm.. Why is he always like that towards Jay?' I thought.

My eyes widened and I began to run upstairs to Stevens room. I opened the door to find him looking through his stuff and I decided to close the door loudly to get his attention.

He looked up at me and raised an eyebrow, "hey Pia. Close the door gently next time alright? Just because it's wooden doesn't mean it has no feelings."

I rolled my eyes, "oh shut up Steven."

He chuckled and continued looking though his stuff as I sat on his bed, looking at him.

"Why are you up here anyways?" He questioned.

"I just have a question to ask." I said studying him carefully.

"And that is?"

I didn't even hesitate to ask and just began to blurt it out, "is Jay your mate?"

He stopped fiddling around his stuff and stayed still. He became like a statue for a little while until he turned around and looked straight into my eyes.

His eyes showed something, but it wasn't fear, nervousness, anger, sadness, or even happiness. His eyes just showed regret.

"Is she?" I asked even more wanting to know the truth.

He shook his head, "no. She isn't. Why'd you ask?"

I furrowed my eyebrows not trusting his words.

"You two have gotten a lot more closer. Even in the beginning, you seemed okay, but now you two are just so close. Touchy if I might add."

He scoffed, "I don't know what you're talking about Pia. We're just best friends."

"Ah-huh. Yeah, sure." I said nodding my head, "then why hold her by the waist when Xander was flirting with her? Why hold her hand and then give her a hug? Why would you wanna protect her. Hm?"

"I was just being generous Pia. Don't jump into conclu-"

"Cut the bull crap Steven. I'm your sister, I know you. You're 22 and you still don't know how to hide the fact you like someone. No actually, love."

He gave a nervous laugh and glared at me as he leaned his back on the wall, putting his hands inside of his pockets.

"You'd risk your life for her. Come on Steven. Stop lying to yourself and to me for once. You know I'll listen to you. So go and tell me, what's going on between you and Jay." I looked at him with pleasing eyes as he sighed.

"Alright fine. I have feelings for her okay? But she's not my mate.." He said quietly and sat down next to me.

"What do you feel?"

"I feel really happy being around her. Whenever she touches me, I feel warmth. Whenever we hug or if she's really close to me, I feel sparks. I don't know why, but being with her just makes me love her even more.. I can't help it, I know it's wrong and that she's been here with us for almost a week, but ever since I saw her in the beginning.. She just seem to stand out from any she-wolves or even human girls. She's just so different and I'm starting to love everything about her."

My Huntress Mate [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now