Chapter 62

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I went close to them and picked both of them with no problem. My body is sore, but it wasn't like how it was earlier. I looked around to find a way to make it easier for me to actually carry them for when I run. For them to be safe at all times. I bit my bottom lips and set them down again and grabbed the cover sheet from the side of the bed hanging loosely.

I ripped it in half and wrapped it on the front of my body. It was tight enough to possibly hold them. I tested it out by grabbing Angel first and putting her inside. It was like I was holding a baby with a harness, but it actually worked. Now testing the other side, I grabbed Dean and set him on the right one. It worked! I gave a sigh of relief and headed towards the window.

I opened it while the cold breeze hit us. It felt night to feel the fresh air.. How was Jay doing.?

"I see you got out? With a wonderful baby carrier?" A voice interrupted my moment as I turned around to see Jacob.

He had a smile on his face and some lipstick on his cheek. His perfect looking hair was all messed up and his clothes seemed all wrinkled. I rolled my eyes and set my foot out the window.

"Take me with you." He says.

I stopped myself from going outside.

"I can't risk that. You're probably just going to lead your men to us again and someone will get hurt. If that ever happens, you'll be the first person I'll seek and kill." I threatened.

"I'm clean. No chip, no tricks or games. I mean it. Let me come with you." He said as I looked at him.

His face was serious and his heart beat was calm. I gave a funny look, but decided to ask him, "why."

He gave a blink and looked down at Angel. He looked back up at me, "because of her."

I furrowed my eyebrows and was about another question, but I heard people yelling downstairs. I wasn't sure if it was the party or if they found out I disappeared, but I had to leave. I brought all of myself outside of the window and stood on the roof. As soon as I was ready to shift and jump, he grabbed my shoulder and pleaded, "please take me with you. I can keep you all safe. I promise. I know a lot than you think. I'll be useful."

I was frustrated with him and my mind because I had to think fast. This time I'm not sure if being so careless was worth it. But I agreed for him to come because of desperation.

"Fine. Whatever. Hold onto my shoulders and-"

"Just jump and shift and I'll jump on your back. Hurry!" He said as I rolled my eyes following what he said.

I jumped in the air and smoothly transformed into my wolf form. Landing on the ground, I felt him already sitting down.

"Run." He said and I did.

I ran so fast that those sounds booming from the house had faded. I don't know what his purpose is or what his game is. But either way, I will not let him do anything he'll regret. Once I shift back into a human, he'll the be one in the cage.


We were close to home. I can sense it. Feel it. I looked down at the two who were safely secured in my chest. We were far and to Jacob, he told me they were all busy partying. That run we made was just them screaming because more ladies came. I never knew guys could be so excited to see girls they barely know. But who was I talk? My wolf screamed when he found his mate.

The only difference was that, we're bound to them for eternity.

"Stop for awhile. Check on the kids." He said. I was planning to do that, but he said it.

My Huntress Mate [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now