Chapter 15

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Jay's POV

I walked around outside for almost about 2 hours now. I wanted to think about everything, it's like a puzzle. I know I can solve it, but it's hard to solve anything when things don't match up..

I looked up to see the woods again. We were surrounded by it, but I've always wondered where each woods led to. I looked around to see no one in sight, I gave a small smile and walked into the woods. The smell of the wet grass and trees smelled relaxing and my thinking felt more louder. I was enjoying the walk until I felt my side hurt again.

I winced in pain, "stop hurting.."

I leaned onto the tree and felt the pain even more. Not making me breath. I couldn't scream, yell, or even speak anymore.. As the pain took over, I met with the darkness again.


I groaned and opened my eyes to see such an enchanting place. I blinked a few times and sat up slowly, not feeling any pain. I looked around to see everything in the woods change. Everything just seemed enchanting, beautiful, and alive. I couldn't find the pack house anymore which made me feel worried.

"You're finally awake my dear." A very soft voice spoke. I looked behind me to see a very beautiful woman.

Her hair was white as snow, her eyes are grayish with a tint of blue and gold mixed together, her silver silky dress looked stunning and her skin was pale, but she looked beautiful. Like an angel, her beauty was just breathtaking.

She smiled at me and I shook my head and lowered my head not knowing how long I've been staring at her.

"It's fine dear. No need to be shy. Come." She held out her hand for me and I took it slowly.

"Am I dead?" I asked and looked around again.

"No dear. You're sleeping safely, but I wanted to meet you." She gave the kindness smile.

"But why.?"

"Because you called out for me."

I was confused with her statement, I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know what you're talking about?"

"Don't worry Jay. I don't expect you to.."

I took my hand away from her, "how do you my name?"

"I've heard about you. My children talks and prays for me, you've been brought up. You have heard of me, correct?" I furrowed my eyebrows and thought. I remembered as a child that my current parents had told me stories about the woman who they've adored and worshipped for a long time. My eyes began to widen and looked at her.

"M-moon Goddess.?" With that, her smile widened as she nodded her head.

"I'm glad you know my name."

"B-but how? You're real?!"

She gave a laugh and nodded, "of course. For many years, I've been watching my children from afar. I've suffered a great deal, watching my children fall, but for others. I feel relieved. I've also been watching over you."

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