Chapter 82

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Happy Mother's Day guys! And from the other holidays in the past that I've missed. Hah.. Anywhoo, I'm very for the delay, school exams and graduation is coming up for me 2 weeks from now so I'll be packed for a little while! If I do I'm very sorry for the delay. Hopefully this might make up for things! Enjoy!


- 2 Years Later -

It's been two years now ever since I've been with the werewolf family. I actually managed to take in the job for more than three weeks. Really though, time has moved a lot more faster than I expected it to be. But during these huge gap fill of my life, Kristoffer and I had actually gotten to know each other throughout that one year.

The family also had done the same as well. They were very open with many personal histories and even gave me some pictures and told me about their stories. So far it's been really fun being with this family, it's strange to say, but I've been comfortable with just staying here. My old family, I've lost contact with because everyone lived their own lives. As for my parents? I never really thought of them as much as I should have, but at the same time I never really had a great bond with them.

Especially for the little kids. They bring so much joy to us even through bad times because of some sort of disagreement with Alpha stuff. I still never quite understood how they're struggling, but at the same time who am I to have a say in this? I'm no werewolf to understand, but I suppose the reason can be just common sense.

"Hey Isobel." Kristoffer greeted with such a cheeky smile.

I smiled back and waved instead of answering. He came close to me and snaked his arms around my waist and leaned in, but I've managed to pull back. "You're really doing this aren't you?" I questioned.

"Why not? I have my needs." He said boldly with a smirk.

"Sure. And I have my rules." I crossed my arms and he just looked at me funny.

"You should dress up like a boss and we can-"

"Don't you dare finish those words. We're not doing- what the hell is wrong you." I laughed and he pouted.

"I just told you. I have my needs and it's been months." He whined.

"It's been a week. Calm down you sexual person." I laughed again before sitting on the kitchen chair.

"But it's been such a long week. Come onnn even my wolf inside me is about to explode."

"Well let him explode. I'll be babysitting the kids today so no."

"We can just do a quickie. Upstairs I'll be fast." He said desperately that made me look at him in shock.

"Kris I swear stop being in that mood. I'm not in the mood for that and the last time you did your stupid quickie left me with so many bruises."

"Hey. We were in the damn closet. I wasn't even going fast-"

"Oh yes you were. I smacked you in the head for and you still didn't stop. Ugh whatever look it's Mother's Day and let the couples do what they wanna do okay? I'm gonna babysit and you clean. Also greet the moms outside before they leave."

He smiled and lifted me up from the chair and hugged me tightly. "Man, I love when you get bossy." He whispered as I felt his hot breath on my ear.

"Mhmm go." I said taking in a deep breath. With a kiss on the cheek, he left outside.

I've already greeted the rest, but I'll just be making stuff for the kids later on. I won't really cook since I'm sort of bad in a way where I won't even try to, but I'll fix something out. After all, Mother's Day is something great. I thank mom now even if I can't speak to her. I was still thankful, but I'm also feeling sorry after how things were in the end.

I'm still thankful to all the moms after their hard work for giving life to any human beings. Time to be appreciative, loving, and even caring. Thinking about this makes me feel that I should do the right thing.

I took out my phone and dialed my moms phone number not knowing if she'll pick up or not. I waited for a couple of minutes and it was picked up.

"Happy Mother's Day mom." I said almost quietly.

With that, I smiled. For the first time, she was acting like a mother, that's what I've missed.

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