Chapter 68

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Jay's POV

I looked at Kristoffer's direction again to see if anyone was trying to aim at him again. But I never really saw anyone at all for that matter. He was still fighting very well which made him very attractive, but that's one of the reasons why I love him.

I sadly smiled to myself, but I began to fight for more blood. It's very hard to back out now especially if I began to start fighting and tasting blood. The savagery within me was then unleashed. Honestly.. I've never been so complicated in my life. It tends to hurt or push those I love away.

But that was my intention right?


Killing the last person who attacked me, I turned to Kristoffer's direction again, but I noticed someone was aiming for him. My heart was beating too fast and to me, that was all I heard while my thoughts were filled with him only.

"KRISTOFFER!!" I yelled and tried to run towards him.

Enemies kept getting in the way that all I had to do was flip them or quickly run my hands through their chest.

He turned around, but before he could even say anything, the bullet was already shot and my speed couldn't be anymore faster..

I saw him.. His body hit the ground and I felt my chest grow heavy and in pain. When I reached him, I slid on my knees through the wet bloody grass and held his arm while I stared at his bloody chest and side..

"No no.. Kris come on stay with me okay? I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.." I kept apologizing while my tears fell down my face like a water stream.

He kept gasping for air and I looked at the person who had shot him. I could see his smirk from afar.. My whole body vibrated from anger and I grabbed a near by knife and threw it as hard as I could. It hit his throat and quickly fell backwards while one werewolf had finished him off completely..

I felt his hand caress my hand that made me look down at him.

He gave a smile and looked at me straight in my eyes.. They glowed into a light golden brown and I gave a sad smile back with my eyes responding back into him..

"I.. I- love you Jay.." he whispered, "remember that f-for me.. Pl-please.."

"I love you too.. I'm sorry.. For everything I just-"

"Shh.. Don't worry." He chuckled, but painfully grunted, "I- I.. I forgive you."

I kept crying until he took my hand, kissing my hand.. He held it in place towards his heat and took his last breath before the grip of his hand loosened and his eyes shut peacefully.

I kept shaking my head, hoping this was all a nightmare that I could just wake up to and calm down before seeing him next to me in bed..

But this was all real.

I yelled out his name filled with agony that echoed through the whole place. I was angry, heart broken, regretful, depressed, and frustrated.

All I wanted was for him and the others to be safe while I left.. I had to leave. But so many people were dying, no matter if they are mortal or immortal.

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