Chapter 67

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(edited) sorry for this really long wait! I'll update again today!


- 3 Weeks Later -

It's been three weeks ever since that last battle. It's been tough, but everyone was working harder than they usually worked for. Even Kristoffer has too, it seems that he takes his anger out in training. I don't like the way it looks, but it's better off this way. It's faster.

"Hey Jay. What's our plan for tonight?" Alec asked as he walked towards me.

I set down the papers I was just reading for Eric because of Mama and Papa who's buying more lands for other werewolves they've found who are lost and something else that I never really understood?

"Uh well you've all practice your positions right?"

"Oh yeah. We've practiced that, the guys practiced shooting too and half is shifting, the girls are staying in the back where they can easily sneak in bits and the children will be the tech people. We're giving these small ear piece to follow instructions and it will help to dodge anything. Everyone received this except you."

"It's okay. I don't need it. I suppose we're all ready for tonight then?" I smiled.

"You have to? I mean I get we can talk to each other telepathically, but when a human needs help, this is a way to go. Come on."

I hesitated at first, but he was right. I never really thought of that. I nodded and took it, "right. Thanks." I said as I wore it.

I wasn't entirely sure if having to keep doing this to them was necessary.. Even Eric seemed to be having a hard time and I'm not sure how I can handle that..

It was happy for one moment and now we're training for another battle that we'll have tonight. I don't want to see anyone losing their If only I can stop time.

But that's one ability I don't have.


- Night time close to midnight -

'Everyone's in position?' Eric had said as we all looked at everyone. We all nodded and I took a glance up at the house where the rest who stayed back looked down at us through the window.

I saw Steven who stayed inside to help have better protection. Especially towards Dean who was still hurting.. Steven felt to be responsible for him as he made a promise to Hunter of protecting him for now on..

They gave a small smile and hid except for Steven. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath before communicating with him. By the time I opened my eyes, his eyes were shocked.

I smiled and mouthed, "I love you best friend."

'I love you too..' He said through

I smiled and he gave one back, but it wasn't real. But that was all I saw before the curtains had closed.

"Jay! Let's rock this show!" I heard Alec yell with a bit of excitement. He seemed a bit crazy, but I see why it's exciting.

I chuckled and looked around to see things shining inside of the darkness. I squinted my eyes and before shots were even fired, everyone attacked first with our guns firing. We heard grunting and even some blood splattering on the grass. And I was proud to witness that.

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