Chapter 81

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Isobel's POV

Hours passed and I've learned so much about Jay, her family, and even Kristoffer altogether. It was nice hearing stories even if they were tragic, the expressions Kristoffer has proven a lot on how much pain and happiness he's been through even through small situations. 

"So you're saying you're a hybrid because Jay's life and powers had been given to you?" I questioned as he smiled and looked at me with a nod.

"Yes. Look." We both made eye contact for a short while as his eyes shift into this beautiful layered of colors. I was drawn to them and I stepped even close towards him, but as he looks at me, the pupil of his eyes dilate. I blinked and stopped myself from going any closer to him.

"That's a very beautiful eye colored mixture? It must be nice to know how much someone cares about you. I mean, enough to give you their life and powers."

"Yeah, I know. She wasn't sure how it was possible and why it happened. All she knew was that she wanted to." The last sentence he spoke with despair. I can tell that he loved her so much that watching him talk about her, it would either light up his mood or crash it down.

"She's very brave and generous to do that. But at least now she's happy and thinking about it now, she could be with her family if they cross paths or see each other." I smiled while thinking about how it would end, we all believe in something. But my hope for her is to be happy since she didn't feel as content with her life here or that's how it sounded?

"She is And I do hope that too. But enough of me and anything else." He said while he stopped walking and looked at me and the ground. "Wanna sit here? I mean we don't have to if you feel like you're gonna get dirty because of the dirt."

"It's fine, thank you. I can handle dirt and it's pretty nice considering the grass looks alive." I said as I sat down and looked around, "but what did you wanna know then?"

"Anything you want?"

I nodded, "well there's not much to tell so."

He looked at me and nodded slowly before having the expression of him thinking. I didn't want him thinking anything that might've made him depressed again so I thought of something to say.

"I'm guessing you don't need my personal information because you researched me for a test. But I don't know, I love to paint? Food all the way. Not scared of anything, read, music, horror, comedy, and a bit of romance for movies, I love the color soft teal? Uh favorite lucky number 17, I love taking care of children obviously and I've been a hunter ever since I was child. Expert hunter and I have werewolf friends, I suck at cooking and I hate people who disrespects others for boredom and fun." I shrugged not knowing what else to say because there really isn't much to say.

"So much for 'not much to tell.' It's nice to at least know something about you than nothing. So does your parents know you're friends with werewolves?" He questioned as he laid down on his back and looked up at the sky.

"Hm nope. They've been in my house a couple of times, but my parents retired from hunting. They sort of lost their senses of being a hunter after the accident so now it's passed down to me." I decided to lay down next to him since sitting is really anyone has done throughout their lives. Laying for one is not enough for many people.

"How you like that so far?" H chuckled and looked at me, but I avoided eye contact and focused on the flower he had given me.

"Eh. I'm trying to live normally, but I don't think that's possible. Being a hunter not only runs in my blood, but it's a habit and a skill. It comes naturally without me even thinking of it. Every time I space out and fight uncontrollably when I'm in some sort of an unsafe place or feeling like I'm in danger, then it just acts out on its own. Everything else would be muted and all my brain and body focuses on is killing. Whether I like it or not it just seems impossible for me to stop it."

He was silent for long while. I looked at him to see that he was intensively looking at me with those brown eyes. I blinked and went back to looking at my flower, feeling flushed. "I'm sorry, that was too open and uh personal."

"Don't apologize for something you didn't intend to do. It's understandable. But you still have a choice and controlling your strength should be the first step. If you wanna be normal, go ahead. Sure it might be tough since you're practically friends with werewolves, but you can be a different kind of normal."

I looked at him and didn't really know what to say. His smile made me feel so safe and the confidence in his voice made me feel more free. Having to hear something positive for the first time feels refreshing. I was glad.

I smiled back, "thank you. That's the nicest thing anyone has ever told me for many years."

"No need to thank me. You just needed someone who can support you and me and my family are there for you." He held my hand tightly and kissed it the back of it. "Do you live alone?" He questioned.

"Um that question can mean many things Kris. But no, I live with my parents. But I'm planning to move out, I just have to find a place. Why?"

"Maybe you can move in with us?"

I raised both of my eyebrows and pulled my hand away before sitting up, "that's not something you should ask a girl who you first met for a couple of hours." I gave a nervous laugh as he sat up.

"I know I know, but you have no place to stay and everyone in the family loves you already."

"Yeah, but your all a stranger to me still. I know nothing about everyone else except you, but I don't completely know you either. I've met you now, but this isn't enough for you to gain my trust." I explained and stood up, dusting the little dirt stuck in my damped clothing.

"I understand, but you're here for three weeks. How about the ones you see at the house will be the ones to get to know you. Either way we will have to get to know you and you'll have to do the same. I don't mean to sound like I'm rushing you into all of this, but please try to think about it."

His eyes looked hurt in a way, but at the same time he looked desperate. But for what reason? Is this how mates would act? Is he thinking of me the same way he thinks of Jay? So many questions on my head and I couldn't say one word. Not even a breath. But why caught me by surprise is how he held my cheek and pressed his lips against my forehead.

I felt some sort of electricity that made my heart beat faster. He connect both of our foreheads together as I watched his eyes close. When he opened them, it showed me the different side of who he was. Those glowing eyes with different layered of colors combined made my heart melt, for a moment I felt our bodies coming closer and closer like gravity was pushing us closer.

"Please." He whispered in a depressing tone.

I inhaled a strong scent coming from him, but before anything could happen, I pulled away. I nodded and backed away from this moment, "thank you for this time. I had a lot of fun." I said almost silently before quickly walking away from him.

I was breathing harder, the weight off my shoulders had gone heavier that my whole body could feel the weight. I put a hand on my heart and felt it tingly. What was this feeling? It was new to me and it makes me feel weak and vulnerable. Why am I feeling this way?

Why towards him?

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