Chapter 87

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I woke up while I was in a different room. I was alone and there was no one else around, sitting up from my bed I looked down to see myself in a different clothing? I took off the blanket and saw myself wearing basketball shorts with some t-shirt of a sexy girl sucking on a lollipop. It wasn't such a great looking shirt, probably not appropriate to wear downstairs. Even so, I decided to keep it on and blurred the image on my shirt that turned into smudges.

I freshened myself up in the restroom I had in the room and headed outside thinking it would be nice to visit Isobel and her two twins. I smiled at the thought of their magnificent eyes, where did it come from considering Kristoffer was only an alpha and I believe I understand why they glisten so much due to Isobel being half a legacy hunter. I shook off the question and decided to ask it later when it's appropriate.

I stopped by in front of Isobel's door and knocked to hear no one answering back. I decided to open the door to peek, "hello?" I called out and no answer was given once again. At this moment, I opened the door widely to see no one there. Not even the babies. I furrowed my eyebrows together and looked around outside this bedroom and the hallways before heading down the stairs.

By then I was glad to hear voices, lots of them. In the living room there were the guys, probably betas and many more. Some are even the other girls, mates or something of a sort just eating and laughing. I walked to the kitchen and looked around to see Isobel and Kristoffer along with Eric, Janine, Pia, and Alec.  They looked at me with a smile, "Jensen! Please eat. We prepared food for everyone to celebrate this occasion." Eric cheered with a manly hug and guided me towards Isobel.

"Thank you Alpha." I greeted and shifted my eyes to Isobel, "I see you're feeling better?" I smiled and so did she, "yeah. Thanks to you with healing me." 

"It was no problem really. You just seemed tired and weak that I believed you weren't gonna make it. So healing you quickly was a way for you to improve quicker." I shifted my look onto the two twins, "how are those little'uns doing." I said in a soft voice as I knelt down and took my index finger and placed it on the girls hand as she squeezed it instantly.

"They're doing great. Already babbling and laughing." Isobel chuckled.

"Great. She's got a strong grip too, what a powerful child." I laughed.

"Hey Jensen. Sorry about earlier, pinning you down the wall and getting angry. I didn't know you were already giving birth to them just after knowing she was pregnant." Kristoffer said with a low tone, I looked up at him and took his hand, shaking it as a sign of forgiveness.

"No worries. I understood why that is, but it was very unusual too to witness something like that. It's the fastest pregnancy I've ever seen. I wasn't entirely sure why, but I guess it's because of you two being combined. You're both many powerful stuff." I stated as Kristoffer nodded his head.

"I guess so. I was born a werewolf until the day my mate died, she was a pure hybrid herself, half legacy and half werewolf, before dying she gave her life to me meaning all of the power she had was transferred which caused her life and died. So instead of me being a werewolf, I became a hybrid. Probably why the twins eyes are glowing like that." He explained seeing as though his smile was filled with sadness, "looks like both of my children has the powers of being a legacy hunter and a werewolf." He laughed.

"Well it doesn't seem to be that bad at all?" I said truthfully, "at least they're strong enough to take over the family business and to defend themselves." I looked over at Isobel who was just staring at the two babies and I trailed over her hand to see a ring on her finger. A smirk came across my face, "I see you've asked her already?" I whispered to Kristoffer.

"I wanted to. She's already a mother of my two children and I love her, I would want her to be officially mine as a mate and a wife." He said proudly, "she accepted is all that matters."

"Congratulations to you both." I winked and focused once again on the twins.

They will be powerful and great alphas in the future. I trust them both to make great decisions and to always be by each other's side. You'll both be great.

Isobel's POV

Hearing both Jensen and Kristoffer talk about all these powers had me worried and scared that my own babies might have struggles on how to handle them and how the outside world might look at them. I looked down at both of them and stared into their crystal eyes and admired their faces. They were beautiful.

"Isobel, what are you planning to name them?" Janine questioned out of the blue that made me look up at everyone.

"I'm sorry?" I replied feeling lost, not completely focused on what was asked.

"What are you planning to name them?" Eric repeated as they laughed at me in a good way.

I thought and looked down, my heart softens a bit as I thought of a perfect name for the both of them, "what about Hunter and Jay?" I smiled.

"Hunter and Jay.?" Alec repeated in a soft tone as it fell silent.

"Yes. I felt the need to name them that because I want the real Hunter and Jay to be remembered since they're part of this family and they're strong. Even together." I explained, I looked at Kristoffer to see his face that always had a stern look in a cute way began to turn soft for once that made him look like a puppy.

"I like that." He said while everyone else felt so vulnerable and happy at the same time.

Until then two kids also came inside of the kitchen panting and out of breath, "Angel, Dean I want you guys to meet the two new members of the family." Kristoffer announced as Angel looked at my twins by surprised.

"No way! Twins!" She yelled excitedly and quickly, the rest shushed her to be quiet. "Sorry. Yay twins!" She whispered and quickly walked over to me. "Dean look, their eyes are pretty."

Dean slowly walked towards the baby and I and looked at them in awe, "what did you name them miss?"

I smiled at Dean for calling me 'miss,' but I began to answer that made him look at me, speechless, "the girl is named Jay, while the boy is named Hunter."

We waited for a respond and instead of words, he gave me a hug. "Thank you." He whispered to me as he pulled away, pulling Angel with him. Angel never got to say a word, but it was okay. I'll probably hear about it later.

My heart felt happy for him and for everyone else in the room. "Let's party!" Eric yelled quietly as everyone else congratulated us for not only having the twins, but for me being the new Alpha's wife. I smiled joyfully and stood up joining everyone else while they grabbed more food and drinks. But so far, Kristoffer stood next to me with one arm on my shoulders.

It was only him and I with the twins, "I loved how you named them that."

I smiled at him, "you cared about the two people you've lost. I know for sure they'd love to meet them, but I also do hope they'd watch over them. I respect both Hunter and Jay and I felt the need to keep their names alive. It also fits both of them."

"You're right. I swear to protect the three of you and this family altogether. I won't make a mistake again.."

I looked deep into his eyes and gave him a peck on the lips, "I love you."

"I love you most, Isobel."

I smiled thinking I have everything I needed in this place. With these amazing people alive or not, and an amazing father and a soon to be husband. There's nothing more I could ask for because what I have in my life right now is perfect. I know there isn't anything in this world that is perfect, but to my eyes, there are. Even though there are flaws, that's what makes this whole thing perfectly imperfect.

I love the people I've met. This is a new beginning for all us and we promise to be stronger than ever now and through out our lives. I hope you're proud of us Jay. Because without your inspiration, we all would've been stuck in one place.

Rest In Peace.

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