Chapter 38

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Hunter's POV

- The Next Day -

I woke up and the first thing I saw was our chandelier, lit up. I sat up from the couch and rubbed my eyes, stretching every inch of my body before getting up.

Today, I decided to visit Jay to see if she was any better from when she was last night. I felt the same way she did, but I guess the food we had was too much that night. Even feeling tired, that's something to learn.

I sighed and went up to my room first. Cleaning my morning face off and brushed my teeth, I looked a bit more decent now. My clothing isn't as decent, navy blue sweats and a black t-shirt with a writing of "Sleep is for the WINNER", not so decent and not an alpha type of look.

Since I was done with making myself look a little decent, I went out of my room and went to Jay's. Before I could knock on the door, a boy with the same white hair as mine peeked through it.

"Big brother!" He yelled and jumped me with a big hug.

I chuckled and placed my hands on his head, messing up his hair, "good morning to you too little brother."

He pulled away with the biggest smile and a nice clothing. He had a white pollo shirt on, khakis and his hair looked wet, but even after I messed up his hair, it never seemed to fail to look good. He looked more decent than me?

"Whoa there, someone call the cops and arrest this boy with a crime of being a handsome dork. Why are you dressed like that??" I laughed as he scratched the back of his head and looked a bit troubled.

"Well...." He sighed, "there's this girl I met. She saw Jay and she ran to her as soon as Jay was gonna go in. Then Jay introduced us to each other and you know.. But I'm dressed like this because Jay told me Angel liked to do tea parties. I'll be inviting her to dinner and get to know her more."

I smiled and the door opened completely with Jay coming out, but stopped her tracks as soon as she saw me.

"You don't say? Now where is this Angel?" I asked as a little girl popped her head out behind Jay.

"H-hi.." She said shyly and my little brother encouraged her to go out which she politely followed.

I kneeled down on one knee, meeting the same height as her, "hi there. I'm Hunter, I see you've met my brother Dean?"

"Yes.. He looks like you." She giggled as my little brother looked at her in a way that he looks at the world as he loves adventures, though he hasn't seen it all. We were forbidden to go out much at a young age. As for me, I can roam as I please, just not my brother. Not yet.

"Why thank you." I looked at her dress that doesn't seem so familiar from this house. It looked handmade perhaps? "You look beautiful, but please you and my brother go have fun." I smiled

She smiled back and Dean held her wrist as they both ran down the stairs, "be careful you guys!" Jay reminded them as they both yelled 'yeah' in response as their laughter faded.

"So you make dresses?" I questioned her.

"Nope. I just saw a shoe lace and a cute big shirt that I let her wear and wrapped the shoelace around her waist while I tucked out the upper part. The shirt was big enough so I just had to cut the sleeves, stitch it, and cut the bottom part to be short." She smiled as I chuckled.

"Well would like some breakfast?" I smiled back and stepped out of her way.

"Hm I'll pass. I'd like to visit my family." She nodded and walked passed by me.

I blinked and walked beside her, "I'll come with you? Even if your family dislikes me, I'd still wanna get to know them."

She gave a glance at me, but continued focusing on walking across the hall way, "will do."

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