Chapter 14

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- One Week Later -

Kristoffer's POV

I woke up feeling a bit cold in the room. My eyes were open and I sat up lazily, I blinked a few times before standing up. A week had already passed ever since I've gotten here. I looked out the widow to see that it was raining, it's been awhile since it ever rained. Or at least it's been awhile for me.

I stood up and headed to my bathroom and turned on the shower to cold, for me to wake up completely. It worked, it didn't take a while, but as soon as I felt the cold water drops hitting my skin, I felt my body relax more.

As soon as I finished, I started brushing my teeth and changed into my clothes. I still hoped that today was a different day. Jay still hasn't been awake, the pack doctor visited everyday and still said her health was becoming more stable. Her being asleep for a week was unexplainable, but it wasn't doing any harm. To everyone's surprise, even the doctor, the sleeping process only helped her heal.

Alpha Eric was still worried and never left her. He couldn't go one second from being pulled apart from her. He eats in the room, does his work in his room, he lets me or Steven take place to watch over her when it comes to him taking a shower. But that's all. He's been beside her and I've been doing some of his work. I don't complain because she's my mate and that's his sister. It worries me that I can't be with her or tell anyone about her being my mate because her health meant more to me and to everyone else. Today was just not the time..

I sighed at the thought of Jay.. So I decided to do something to distract myself. I ended up putting on some house slippers that was put on in our rooms because I got tired of wearing my shoes. For an Alpha, I have to do many works that not all humans do. It gets tiring and stressful, but at the same time, when does it not?

I walked outside of my room and passed by closed doors. It was still quiet in the house that all you could hear was the rain dropping in the roof. As I walked down the stairs, I saw a shadow figure looking through the sliding door that led you to the back yard that's in the living room.

I walked through the living room to see a small person, not as small, but enough to reach my shoulder length. The person was wearing big silver colored sweat pants and a baggy sweatshirt with the hoodie up.

"Um hello?" I said awkwardly yet feeling curious.

The person turned around and saw it to be Jay.

"Jay? What the hell are you doing up?Wait- when did you wake up?" I went to her quickly and took off her hoodie, to see her face more clearly. Feeling relieved.

"Hi, hmm I woke up minutes earlier than you. I saw rain outside of Eric's window and I wanted to watch it outside. I love the rain." She chuckled and scratched the back of her neck.

I looked at her skeptically and sighed, "how are you feeling?"

She nodded with a smile, "I feel a lot more better!" She jumped enthusiastically like a child.

"Alright alright, don't do that. You keep calm okay? You can't be in too much stress." I said sternly as she gave a sad expression.

"Thank you for last night." She said smiled.

"Last night?" I questioned and raised an eyebrow at her.

She nodded her head, "yeah, you saved me from being killed by Noah?"

I looked at her in disbelief, "Jay, you've been asleep for a week.. That happened last week. You're welcome though, but you scared the hell out of us when you fell unconscious.."

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