Chapter 46

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- Tuesday Morning -

"EVERYONE WAKE UP!" A voice had roared as I quickly shot up as a reflex. Ready to fight, but I sat up too quickly at the edge of the bed that made me fall on the floor.

"Whoa are you okay baby?" Kristoffer asked in a deep raspy and yet a sleepy voice that I've never heard in my life.

In my opinion, he sounded really hot..

"Uh.. Y-yeah.. I thought-"

Our door quickly opened.

"RISE AND SHINE SLEEPYHEADS!" Eric yelled enthusiastically as I groaned and took a random slipper under the bed and threw it at his face.

"Ow.. What the heck.. You just brought down my mood..." He pouted.

"You ruined my sleep. Why the hell are you screaming for. It's-"I looked at the clock that was across the room on my left, up above the window, "4:05 in the morning." I questioned and stood up.

I rubbed my side as Kristoffer pulled me down by the arm and kissed my jawline, "you okay?"

I nodded in response as Eric rubs his face, "were going to the vacation beach home remember? Gosh. Why do you always have to ruin my happy mood. So many years passed and I feel like we're back to being kids."

He glared at me as I stuck my tongue out, "because you still act like a child."

He gasped dramatically as put his hand on his chest, "why you.. Ugh- ELI! YOUR NIECE IS BEING MEAN TO ME!" He yelled as he ran out.

Both Kristoffer and I laughed a bit at his silliness as I felt his thumb rubbing my arm while the other was holding me tightly by the waist. I cleared my throat as I straightened my posture, "um we should get ready.." I muttered as he shook his head.

"Hm not yet." He whispered sleepily and faced me towards him, planting a kiss on my lips for a long while..

Feeling his kiss made me feel like a tight tie of knots with explosions being fired in the background and butterflies fluttering all at once inside of my stomach.

The kiss deepens and as he pulls me closer towards his body where there was no space left between us.

"Mommy.." A tiny voice has cried as we pulled away quickly, leaving my cheeks warm and red.

"Uh hi sweetie.." I smiled and quickly glanced at Kristoffer who bit his bottom lip.

"Why is uncle yelling.." She questioned rubbing her eyes.

"We have to get ready. We're going somewhere today. Why don't you go and get ready okay? We'll be leaving in a bit while your daddy and I also get ready."

She yawned and nodded. I kissed her on the forehead and watched her leave the room with just Kristoffer and I left speechless on the bed.

"I'm sorry for that, I'm really tired and Sam took control.." He chuckled as I was still blushing.

"Uh it's- it's fine.. But I'll just go and fix myself." I stuttered and stood up, but was just stopped, preventing me not to walk any further.

I looked down at my wrist and then up at Kristoffer who pulled me close again. He, who was sitting up as I stood in between his legs, he hugs me and rubbed my thighs.

"Kris I have no time. We have to get ready." I said in a hurry as I tried to move while he growled.

"Come on.." He whined.

"No. Wha- why? Quit it." I groaned.

"Fine." He stood up that over towered my tiny self and remained looking up at him as he looked down at me.

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